
美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)称索勒马尼(Soleimani)的暗杀是合法的,也是保护美国人生命的必要手段。但是许多国会议员,尤其是民主党人,都在问为什么总统不咨询他们。他们说,未经授权进行空袭是非法的。唐纳德·特朗普的决定不仅会对他的外交政策产生持久影响,而且也对他的总统职位,2020年总统竞选以及他即将在参议院进行弹trial审判产生持久影响。考特尼·基利(Courtney Kealy)从华盛顿报道。 。

  1. Today (Jan 2020) the idiotic western media are reassuring the enemy (Iran) that they are waiting for this oppressing and barbaric Islamic regime's revenge for the death of arch-terrorist Suleimani. The problem is that the media are not stressing enough about the bad acts of this man during the last 20 years. That's because they feel guilty for the assassination instead of supporting their president for his courageous decision to eliminate a villain.

  2. Throwing dynamite on a tinderbox does nothing. :-/
    A Tinderbox just holds tinder, storing it for later use to help in starting a fire. It is inert unless ignited.
    Dynamite though it is an explosive, is stable and will not detonate unless ignited.
    Throwing a MATCH in a tinderbox on the other hand…..

  3. They defended iraq war, they defended afghanistan war..no worries they can always say "sorry" after all their war crimes, killing millions and destroying a whole country

  4. Lawful? How? It failed the Caroline Test, to start with. Preemptive self defense has no mention in UN Charter. Article 51 of UN Charter allows self defense only when the attack has occurred, and that too should be reported to UNSC…

  5. Killing gone mad … terrorism is really defined by ‘us and them’. One side believes Israel is a saviour and the other side see its existence as an absolute terrorist threat. So therefore terrorism depends on which side you sit on. America is famously classed as ‘state sponsored terrorism’ which America itself defines as defensive action. Whereas freedom fighter groups are classed as a of cult terrorists.

    Terrorism however you define it has now become a desensitised normal part of modern life. No one cares only the victors and the victims.

    Iran has been provoked and therefore has the same right to defend itself in actions that the other side may not find comfortable. But however if we the UN/NATO start to demonise and sanction their actions then were simply hypocritical because we allowed America to go scot-free with their actions.

  6. So that means Iran can assassinate the American secretary of state and then clear them selves of any wrong doing.
    This is using Americans logic.

  7. The level of hypocrisy in these Americans are unbearable ? we need to understand that isreal already thinks that trump is the one who bring their massiah and how he’s gonna do it by starting the world war and it’s already has been written in there books that dijal will appear after world war

  8. That was clearly an act of terorism done by USA ,

    All the terorism in this world is because of USA , everyone know , even the US honest citizens know it , there government is a terorist government

  9. turkey , iran , russia has been pushing buttons and now they pushed it too far. Britain, israel , saudi, USA are softly responding. Trust me this is only a slap on the wrist what could happen.

  10. In comment section many People become justice to judge soleimani's action! do you ever asked the same question to Netanyahu /Bush/Trump/Pompeo/Obama?
    Yeah soleimani killed people as he is a military man tasked to do so.what about American/Israeli atrocities in which millions of people killed,injured and devastated?
    This criminal US regime trying to bulley us by spreading lie. what Goebbels does to world. These neo nazi trump administration and Zionist will be judged in history like Hitler/Stalin/Mao
    It is the US who used nukes. It is the US who killed millions of people in Korea ,Vietnam, Afghanistan and in Iraq.

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