
从全球化和资本市场到全球贸易和创新政策,耶鲁杰克逊全球事务研究所的斯蒂芬·罗奇(Stephen Roach)是美中之间经济依存关系以及这种关系如何影响整个世界的主要声音。和我们一起讨论他可能会帮助解决这种现存经济僵局的问题。

耶鲁大学杰克逊全球事务研究所高级研究员Stephen Roach;摩根士丹利亚洲区前董事长。

  1. Stephen, your fancy academical supporting data didn't include Intellectual Property thefts, exploited labor force including religious prison workers and massive government subsidies to bankrupt foreign competitors.

    Also Stephen, since you mentioned you've visited China bi-monthly, CCP didn't provided you with mistresses? Many even have children by their mistresses and held as hostages by Chinese government.

  2. From Trade War to Cold War.
    Reviewing the Cold War, it can be broken down into two stages.
    1919 to 1920 the year America went into a national hysteria scholars call the Red Scare. In society it was called The Great Madness.
    The Espionage Act is still being used Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, Congress in the year of the Great Gatsby era preceding the Great Depression passed the Act.
    You can imagine the national psyche of the roaring 20's in the foreground of all this nasty business of backstabbing and trials in the background. 
    This is where the term popularized by Mr. Trump, "Witch Hunts", comes from. Trump's mentor Roy Cohen was a young attorney in NYC heading these witch hunts.
    1940 to 1983 the second phase the war against the USSR.
    US rulers were then as they are now pressuring to slow down the growth of socialism.
    But more than that, the change in the world since the collapse of the USSR is two social systems. 
    This never happened before in human history nor in the history of the US.
    Capitalist Republics is not the only political system in the world that is good at capitalism.
    The silk routes of China are incredible proofs, China is everywhere.
    If relations with China were good an average American teenager after high school would move to China and learn the language given the growth opportunities.

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