伊朗精锐军事力量负责人Qassem Soleimani在巴格达的空袭中丧生

伊朗精锐军事力量负责人Qassem Soleimani在巴格达的一次空袭中丧生。美国官员尚未确认报告。 “面对国家”主播和哥伦比亚广播公司新闻资深外交事务记者玛格丽特·布伦南(Margaret Brennan)与哥伦比亚广播公司新闻国家安全事务记者大卫·马丁一起加入。 。

  1. Watching Iranians celebrate is a tell tale sign of the oppression they are under They even know who are the FAKE PLANTATION INFESTED Western news media outlets are

  2. Well I'm an Iranian. If I were to explain the situation after this incident in Iran, I would say that the whole of Iran does not want war, but strongly seeks hard revenge on the US and Israel.

  3. Let's think about this for a moment…

    We are going to be in books, in history. Our grandchildren are going to study and go over WWIII.

  4. …guess it's a great start of the year for the US….

    0:26 "…He's considered by the US to be a terrorist"
    0:33 "…If this is true it would be a significant escalation with Iran and it could be interpreted as GOING TO WAR"
    2:01 "…the US and Iran had been competing with each other for influence in Iraq"

  5. I support Iran and im an American. Dont let these Americans get you down Iran, stand your ground! Iran is the only country that stands up to israel!!

  6. USA power !!!! How this people believe that killing innocent people make them invencible … what a stupid m f …. like the USA is sleeping ja . Solemani was sleeping that’s why he’s dead … the USA never sleeps if your hate so much ch the USA don’t come over mother fuckers

  7. São professias bíblicas teremos que passar por problemas piores, para que ocorra a grande tribulação EUA, e A última potencia Jeová Deus é Deus dos deuses, Senhor dos senhores, Rei dos reis. É o único Deus verdadeiro daquele que enviaste jesus Cristo ?

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