
在香港,一所顶尖大学的围困现在已经是第七天了,警察围困在其中的一小撮反政府示威者。警方说,上周末发生暴力事件后,他们不会再试图冲进校园。这是在地方选举前夕,这是自民主运动开始以来的首次公开选举。 Ramy Inocencio来自香港的报道。

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  1. 40% of the victories are less than 1%-5% with an average pool of 6500 voters per district council. That’s a mere difference of average 200 swing votes!!!

  2. So she is afraid of tear gas but not the beating, bulling, robbing, burning and smashing by her fellow scholars. Nice

  3. Seal the place into tomb to show future generations – those who lived but betrayed his nation become mummies like in Egypt. That would attract a lot of Western tourists.

  4. Why the violence in the first place when winning at the ballot box is an option for the opposition? That’s the real freedom in Hong Kong where people does have a choice and a voice.

  5. When it comes to democracy, Hong Kong democrats and officials don't know what democracy is. It seems they use it all the time to take advantage for the election. Some new and young district officials don't know the basic law. Although pro-democracy candidates won the most seats in the 2019 District Council elections, Hong Kong. However, Hong Kongers need to look at their ability to work afterwards. 

    Let us not blindly support the proposal of one political party, otherwise it will become another CCP.  Some democratic candidates really do not have the experiences, but the voters have no choice, the voters wanted the Pro-Beijing candidates and officials not sitting on the table for Hong Kong, this is why they voted for pro-democracy parties on Nov 24, 2019.

    I believe that the eyes of the voters are bright, and they are as good as they are. People want to see new and inexperienced officials will be able to do anything more to save the accused students at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Students are victims! Hong Kong officials should give them an exit instead of arresting the students. Human rights act should be signed by Donald Trump as soon as possible against those Hong Kong officials and Hong Kong violent police.

    Hong Kong needs to change and use the new system with better people around the world. An independent inquiry should be set up and it is the only way to end the protests.

  6. What western media lied to you
    1) Mainland China expected it
    2) 4million registeded vote , about 3million voted , among with , 54% support what the western medias called pro-democracy(you know they are their darling from the name they use) ,
    so 46 % donot agree with them , but western media told you it is landslide win
    3) what about the 1million people who didnt show up to vote . Are they pro-BJ , or are they "pro-democracy '?
    Amonth months of fake news and western medias help , I think you know everyone agrees with west would show up to vote .
    which means the left 1 million who didnt vote , they might not agree with BJ , but they defintely disagree with what rioters did . killing , cut police throat , arson , gang up on a single person (ironically , they always call themsleves braveman , yet they only dare to attack people 20:1 , they even lost one when dealing with 3 people )

  7. Many people only look at the so-called stability in front of them and ignore what is the real rule of law.
    There are some key points that must be recognized and cleared, and hoping that every citizen should clearly understand it. Which of the two will do more HARM to the country, to society and to the people when it destroys social order or destroys the rule of law? If social order is disrupted, it will usually take 1~2 weeks or 1~2 months to restore the same; but if the rule of law is broken, it may not take one or two generation to restore public trust in the government and the leaders.The loss of the rule of law will grow and make those in power more greedy and selfish.

    So let ’s not be easily misled by some misinterpreted plots.

  8. 0:45 It was the terrorists who first started throwing Molotov cocktails, shooting arrows, tossing acid and bricks (which caused the FIRST and ONLY death directly linked to the violence) while the police were forced to return with equal or greater force. Don't intentionally change the cause and effect!

  9. 台湾人香港人都应该好好看看。你们的媒体为什么说那么多谎言,为什么一直有人试图分裂中国,你们抛开媒体看到的有多少?我希望你们可以去中国大陆看一看,大陆人一直不讨厌你们,听到你们的口音甚至会喜欢你们,可是为什么要听那些媒体的洗脑而不去大陆看一下呢?你可以同一些大陆人交朋友去了解,这样是最客观的。

  10. Western countries especially usa want to teach asian about human rights. I can say similiar to robber teach other ppl not to do robbery

  11. ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ?????.✊?????

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