美中贸易战是冷战吗? (带凯尔·巴斯和罗伯特·斯伯丁将军)

全球化在我们眼前崩溃了吗?凯尔·巴斯(Kyle Bass)与退休的准将罗伯特·斯伯丁(Robert Spalding)坐下来讨论中国内部的实际情况。斯伯丁(Spalding)在北京住过多年,担任国防部长,并担任联合首领主席的首席中国战略家。斯伯丁将他对中国人民,文化,经济和军事态势的深刻了解带到了讨论中,讨论了亚洲超级大国在美中贸易战中崛起对美国构成的多方面威胁。于2019年9月27日在华盛顿特区拍摄。


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美中贸易战是冷战吗? (带凯尔·巴斯和罗伯特·斯伯丁将军)


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  1. US-China trade war is all about holding Chinese development back from achieving financial and technological supremacy over the west, by Trump. But the west fails to understand that the Chinese are striving to establish a new world order and have the support of most countries. They have a self-error correcting 'one party system', an evolutionary leap from 'multi-party system that fails to solve increasingly complicated problems of guns, race, healthcare, corporate crimes/interference etc.
    China wants to save the planet, equitable distribution of wealth, safe food etc., for all. They know that the west doesn't believe the superior mindset and so the Chinese don't care. They have a superior system in place, envied by Trump, with the next line of leaders after Xi ready to take over, following the program set by the Communist Party, shaped by Mao's Cultural Revolution.

  2. uyghers are Muslim; zealots regard priceless ancient Buddhist art as idolatry, which they destroy or deface. what do you suggest?

  3. I absolutely despise Trump, however I applaud his stance on China. It is literally the only thing he has done right. To whatever extent it was "his" idea. China (More specifically the CCP) amounts to the single greatest threat to America and Liberal Democracies around the world. Although Trump's policies and statements are also a threat…

  4. the internet speak of the guy on the left worries me, I like the guy on the right, the guy who actually was there and spoke to china.

    the guy on the left, he has an agenda, even if it is more benign and less sinister than china, it rubs me the wrong way.

  5. This is so spot on. For living in HK for 15 years, this is exactly what i feel. The key issue is that the world doesn't understand China so it's our job to educate people and make them understand what is the CCP's strategy.

    In the vid, Kyle, you mention that US billionaires are marketing China. Who are these guys?

  6. It is like a breath of fresh air to see a real independent thinker like Gen.Spalding emerge from the military- industrial complex ,spread his wings,and pick up his megaphone to help sound the alarm about the Chinese Communist Party’s threat to humanity..Pray for Trump to hang tough and not cave into the pressures to make any deal with China now or ever.

  7. You’d think that America and the west would have learned about how Chinese communists operate after. Vietnam? Well I guess not! ☹️ a bit late now! My German grandfather who I never met was warning people about the future rise of China,!!

  8. Ref 12:35 ~ 15:47 – You know, there is another YouTuber, actually two, who have lived in China for many years, are saying the same things, trying to inform the global public (whoever are or can be watching their videos) about the real China (under the CCP control).

    Their channels are serpentza, laowhy86, and ADVChina.

  9. This is getting out and other books like it. It must get out. Otherwise, we are trapped by crazed biz types out for personal gain at the country's expense. Not as bad as the CCP but crazed, none the less.

  10. 2018年美国发生枪击案57103起,死亡14717人,
    2014年美国发生枪击案51881起,死亡12571人 ​​​



  11. The Communists are masters of satanic deceit and lies. Mao and the Communist party used lies and deceit to get power in China in 1949.

  12. The General needs to read Fruits of Graft by Wayne Jett. The seeds of China's takeover were planted by the Federal Reserve and Roosevelt. Mercantilism out of The City of London is the root of this reverse opioid crisis.

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