独家PS5游戏的独家游戏! (外星人游戏)

独家Outriders游戏-PS5 / Xbox Series X即将上线!
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Outriders是一款适用于新一代游戏玩家和游戏机的新型Co-Op RPG射击游戏。超越者将进入PlayStation 5,Xbox Series X和PC。它还将适用于PlayStation 4和Xbox One。它将在2020年的这个假期推出。Outriders是1-3人合作式RPG射击游戏,设置在原始,黑暗和绝望的科幻宇宙中。当人类在以诺的战中流血时,您将创建自己的外星人并踏上穿越这颗敌对星球的旅程。故事讲述了世界各地,您将离开第一城市的贫民窟和棚户区,穿越森林,山脉和沙漠,寻求神秘的信号。 Outriders将激烈的枪战与猛烈的力量以及不断增加的扭曲武器和装备组合结合在一起,提供了业内最出色的射击游戏开发商之一《 People Can Fly》无数小时的游戏时间。

?用与我相同的方式来捕捉您的游戏玩法! ?http://e.lga.to/MrDalekJD

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  1. Hey dude I’m not a fanboy but, in your title of the video says that that game is the first ps5 video game , but we already know that this game it’s not gonna be exclusive of ps5, that game it’s Coming for Xbox, pc and ps4. I’m just talking about the title, no the video, cause I saw the video

  2. Unlike anything u have played before???? It looks like everything i'v played before…….omg when u get 2 absolute jerkoffs that act like the game is more fun then it is

  3. Nothing about this is interesting. It looks like someone came over from Fortnite and decided to develop this all new upcoming edition of Outriders. It's incredibly sad. But you don't care, you never have and you never will.

  4. Seriously though, I wonder what this game has that other similar games like this don't have. There are so much awesome looters shooters with big fanbases that I have some doubts about this one, sadly I was fooled by anthem so I'm just going to see how things work out. Peace.

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