iOS 13.0-iOS 13.3越狱!如何越狱和安装Unc0ver(Altstore完整教程)

Unc0ver越狱发布!如何在iPhone 11,iPhone XS,iPhone XR(A12和A13设备)上越狱iOS 13.0 / 13.1 / 13.2 / 13.3。越狱下载并安装Cydia
-与iPhone X,iPhone 8,iPhone 7,iPhone 6s不兼容


iOS 13-具有unc0ver和Cydia的iOS 13.3越狱A13和A12!终于来了,这是最新iPhone和iPad设备的第一个iOS 13越狱!您现在可以越狱iPhone 11,iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 11 Pro Max,iPhone XS,iPhone XS Max,iPhone XR,2018 iPad Pro型号以及由A12 CPU驱动的iPad! A11(iPhone X)及更低版本目前具有对iOS 13越狱的检查功能,但也应该通过此新的unc0ver越狱获得支持,以很快获得完全半不受限制的iOS 13越狱-敬请期待。上面列出了iOS 13越狱的下载链接。

此越狱仅适用于iOS 13.3或更高版本。不支持iOS 13.3.1,因为它关闭了主要的内核利用程序。请继续关注有关新A12和A13 unc0ver越狱的完整报道。




——– Unc0ver越狱的兼容iOS版本—–

iOS 13.0
iOS 13.1
iOS 13.1.1
iOS 13.1.2
iOS 13.1.3
iOS 13.2
iOS 13.2.2
iOS 13.2.3
iOS 13.3

(不支持iOS 13.3.1)

— — — — Unc0ver越狱的兼容设备— — —

iPhone 11专业版Max
iPhone 11专业版
iPhone 11
iPhone XS最大
iPhone XS
iPhone XR
iPad Air 3
iPad Pro(12.9英寸,第三代)
iPad Pro(11英寸)
iPad Mini 5

— — —-Unc0ver越狱不兼容的设备—–

iPhone X
iPhone 8 Plus
iPhone 8
iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone 7
iPhone SE
iPhone 6s Plus
iPhone 6s
iPad 5
iPad 6
iPad 7
iPad Air 2
iPad Pro(12.9英寸)
iPad Pro(9.7英寸)
iPad Pro(12.9英寸,第二代)
iPad Pro(10.5英寸)
iPad Mini 4


unc0ver是一次越狱,这意味着您可以自由地对iOS设备进行任何操作。 unc0ver允许您更改想要的内容并在权限范围内操作,从而可以解锁iDevice的真正功能。


Pwn20wnd: = Pwn20wnd
布兰登·阿扎德(Brandon Azad)(发布了漏洞利用程序):
Unc0ver团队: = unc0verTeam

— — — — —有用材料的结尾— — — — —

** YouTube:根据DMCA,越狱是100%合法的行为。讨论iOS更新是合法的。 **。

  1. I follow every step and when I open Unc0ver it say enable Airplane mode and so I did. Then when I launch Unc0ver again and Jailbreak, it just go through some line really quick and crash.

    I'm on iPhone Xs Max with iOS 13.3. What can I do to fixed this?

  2. I was able to successfully do this and jailbreak my phone. I was having an issue with the phone freezing so I figured that I would update Uncover to the latest version 4.0.3 to see if this resolves the issue.

    Unfortunately I wasn't thinking and instead of removing the jailbreak I deleted Uncover from my phone and now Altstore isn't even recognized allowing for me to install the uncover file.

    Is there anything that I can do to get the ipa file installed to jailbreak my phone again. I don't want to risk being upgraded from iOS 13.2.3 to 13.3.1 by accident so I'm proceeding with caution.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

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