

该节目有些曲折,包括福特v法拉利(Ford v Ferrari)和1917年的多项技术成就,阿姆(Eminem)迟来的现场表演,以及表演类作品中一些令人吃惊的获奖者。加入主持人斯科特·曼兹(Scott Mantz),佩里·尼米尔洛夫(Perri Nemiroff)和杰夫·斯奈德(Jeff Sneider),他们将打破好莱坞当年最大夜晚的所有获胜者,并观察他们在整个赛季中的一些旁注。

Collider的《为您考虑》涵盖了整个颁奖季,从第一次影展到整个奥斯卡周日!特别感谢Arclight Cinemas在整个每周节目和我们的Collider FYC放映系列中与他们的整个合作伙伴关系,向演员和电影制片人现场直播了问答环节,介绍了当年最大的电影。有关即将到来的Arclight演示文稿的门票,请访问https://arclightcinemas.com。


#奥斯卡#对撞机FYC #BongHive

跟随斯科特·曼茨(Scott Mantz):https://twitter.com/MovieMantz
跟随Perri Nemiroff:https://twitter.com/PNemiroff
跟随Jeff Sneider:https://twitter.com/TheInSneider




  1. Congrats Scott for getting the highest scores on Gold Derby in predicting almost correctly the winners. Now I realize how annoying is Jeff Sneitzel for wanting his opinion is the only acceptable one. Dude, many people loved it, i reckon if u an oscar judge, no diversity won't be achievable, "chunk". I was predicting 3 out of 4 winning categories for Parasite through gold derby. As an Asian, am so proud this movie went home as the big winner.

  2. I disagree with Jeff kind of simplifying Parasite's win as pushback to Greenbook. No. Parasite is a unique, pathbreaking and overall extremely well made movie, which deserved every bit of the Oscar it won and more.

  3. I'm getting tired of message movies winnning. Just because Parasite's tone turns into a horror film near the end does not erase the fact that it's still at it's core a class warfare movie that was somewhat predictable. I would argue that many of the films that oscars have picked for best picture in the last 5-7 years are going to be largley and quickly forgotten in the future and will not stand the test of time because they are only relevant to a very microscopic point in time.

  4. I'm so happy for parasite winning the best picture. This was the best year for cinema since 2014, and parasite really was something special and a highlight and it opened the door for non English speaking movies. Love Jeff he took the L with great attitude, I dont understand the hate for Jeff, he really knows cinema and I like listening to him even when he is wrong and even when I disagree with him.

  5. I'm mad about all my shows being cut from Collider. But I'd never miss this episode of FYC. Congrats Movie Mantz & Perri for picking Best Picture! Love that you stick to your guns Jeff, a true Bostonian (like me)! #BostonStrong My nametag would have "Arrival"

  6. Where can I watch parasite? It’s not on amazon and not in my theatres (it never was) the one film that won I hadn’t heard of and it never played in uk except London (5 hours away) where online is it available?

  7. I watch subbed anime all the time. Still don’t watch a lot of subbed films. Don’t really know why. Parasite seems a good place to start

  8. In your Face Sneider. Originally I did think 1917 would win best film. Though when I saw Bong winning best director, I was certain Parasite would take it, because that's what usually happens when the director wins.

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