如何在《英雄联盟》的《裂谷》中玩纳苏斯(LoL Mobile)

如何在《英雄联盟》的《裂谷》中玩纳苏斯(LoL Mobile)

[email protected]

  1. The best way to play nasus is either the grasp of the undying path with more tankiness and sustain. The second path is conqoror,and since its getting reworked in season 10 on PC,you just get a stack of adaptive force when you hit a champion. All in all, just farm till it's considered late game for you,or you have almost 400+ stacks. Don't fight unless they're trying to goon squad you under tower,don't reply to junglar asking for help when you don't have over 120+ stacks, don't try to push the wave unless your laning partner is all the way down at bot for dragon. And if you want to play both PC nasus and mobile susaN,i advise you to just take the game like how susaN takes it,you farm,you get stronger and tankier with each stack from farming,you start to melt towers down faster than mganga's poison at 5 stacks. And you win. Once you get half of their towers, the games in s'susaN hands,so just don't die stupid,if your junglar comes top and camps you be thankful that they exist. I'm silver 1 peeking gold 4,if they have infernal nasus i'm gonna make videos for everyone on my way nasus on mobile.

  2. Like the video pal!! Can’t wait to see more from you! If you’re interested in promoting your videos go and check ZMSocial(dot)com, it will help you get the views you deserve.

  3. Hey vell, if you need info on champions i got you. I've played LoL since like, season 5 so my game knowledge is pretty superb and i'd love to help shed that knowledge to the upcoming mobile lol players.

  4. I respect this video for what's it's supposed to be but I gotta say this guy tunneled too hard on about what nasus could does with his Q ability and specifically against teemo but failed to mention all his other abilities that help him in lane. He also forgot to mention that nasus never really wants to win lane he mostly wants to survive till he gets strong enough to split push and one shot towers and get all enemy objective and potentially 1v5. And yes his Q damage also translates to tower damage so late game he can almost two shot towers. I'm not flamming the video just think next time he should explain more detailed information about the other abilities and maybe also mention what his role on the team is. Nasus in general wants to be a Tank/Splitpusher/Carry. I don't even play nasus in PC version just been playing the game long enough to know what he usually wants to do. Well anyways nice video hope to see your future vids.


    Aldous also only have a max of 500 stacks but nasus doesnt have a max so if nasus has 5000 or 7000 stacks then nasus will have 5000 or 7000 bonus damage

  6. Hey VeLL I'm waiting for LoL mobile… Maybe you can make guides on the game? Since it will probably have a different meta than LoL on a PC…

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