迈克尔·克雷莫(Michael Cremo):“禁忌考古” Google会谈


在过去的两个世纪中,考古学家发现了骨头,脚印和文物,这些证据表明像我们这样的人已经存在于地球上了数百万年。但是许多科学家已经忘记或忽略了这些惊人的事实。为什么?主要是因为它们与当今关于人类起源和古代的主流进化论观点相矛盾。根据这些观点,像我们这样的人类只存在了大约100,000或200,000年,而在此之前,人类祖先就更加原始。具有影响力的科学家团体对这一进化范式的坚定追求,已成为“知识过滤器”。无论是有意还是无意的筛选,都给我们提供了一套根本不完整的事实,无法建立关于人类起源的观念。恢复完整的事实使我们进行了一次有趣的探险,横跨五大洲,到达了各种考古遗址,有些考古遗址早已被遗忘,而有些则是争论的中心。另一方面,完整的事实与古代印度历史著作《 Puranas》中关于人类极端古代的记载是一致的。

迈克尔·A·克雷莫(Michael A. Cremo)是考古学的研究助理。自1993年以来,他一直是世界考古大会(WAC)的成员。他的WAC3论文“ Puranic Time and Archaeological Record”(Puranic Time and Archaeological Record)发表在Routledge One世界考古丛书卷Time and Archeology(1999)中,由Tim Murray编辑。他还是欧洲考古学家协会(EAA)的成员。 2004年,在比利时第20届国际科学史大会上发表的Cremo论文“红磨坊奎纳的Boucher de Perthes的后来发现及其对红磨坊颚的争议的影响”发表在该论文集的会议上。大会,由科学出版商布雷波尔(Brepols)主办。

克雷莫(Cremo)是《禁止的考古学》一书的主要作者,《考古学》是一部全面的考古异常历史调查。蒂姆·默里(Tim Murray)在《英国科学史杂志》的评论中说:“这本书为考古学史学家提供了科学史和社会学历史案例研究的有用纲要,可用于促进考古学中有关如何描述一个学科的认识论。”

克雷莫(Cremo)对从另类世界观,尤其是具有古代印度思想基础的世界观的角度考察考古学历史特别感兴趣。他曾在伦敦的皇家研究所,莫斯科的俄罗斯科学院人类学系,乌克兰科学院的考古学系以及许多其他科学机构作过邀请演讲。他还曾在世界各地的大学讲授他的工作。 。

  1. The commentary section is just appalling. Education is indoctrination ! Knowledge is lies ! Fantasy is truth ! Everything's being hidden and supressed for… reasons !

    Have you ever thought that, maybe, things are just as they roughly seem to be and nobody's out there to get you ?

  2. Kkkrre ttrrr. Go back to your hole. 4 million is blah blah. It's way older.

    The difference between man and us is canine teeth. They were man. We are son of man. Idiots like you promote giants. Brainiacs don't.

  3. That's funny: "they take it as a fact, as much as gravity…" — GRAVITY IS A THEORY folks — no one knows what it is or how it works. — (please don't comment with ludicrous statements like "well then, try jumping off of a cliff.." and the like)

  4. The reason it is forbidden Archaeology is so we don't find out the truth others do know the truth we just can't handle it you have to believe in aliens if you believe in God cuz he says himself I am not of this Earth that makes him alien to planet Earth.

  5. Dude…you have GOT to start smashing out just a little more when it comes to the amount of videos you pump out…and i'm an avid van who thinks you got the right stuff…."CONTENT IS KING"….more videos & more will come!!!!!

  6. You all don't know Jack.. Forbidden Archaeology.. This video Ha!..You want answers.. The answers to all your questions are at the bottom of our deepest oceans & The Baltic Sea.. Prove me wrong..

  7. Forbidden Archaeology = Forbidden Ufology Human evolution. We are [HET] ( Human Extra-terrestrial ) We are a creation of many beings before us. Each planet in our solar system, sustained life at one point in time. As what's taking place now here on earth. Took place before on the moon and back. Life starting at Pluto. From Pluto forwards to Earth now. We are the only living entity with in our solar system now. All of our past history here discovered of human races were creations of [ET] After a new [HET] is created. Earth will end up like the rest of the planets in our solar system.. Where next ? Kepler 185 will become the new earth for the new [HET] and life will start over. These new advanced [HET] will know nothing of their past. Because they will be forbidden to travel back to this dead solar system to search..

  8. unrelated to evolution tho, just tied up to archaeologists who in general are not very scientific and that silly 20kBC notion. Despite innumerable evidence.

  9. What's wrong with you @Google spreading pseudo-science? This guy is NOT an archaeologist or a Historian of Archaeology. He's a self-confessed "Vedic creationist". There is no alternative archaeology. There is just archaeology.

  10. It gives closer inspection to more local pyramid claims pre. Deluge civilisation. Tortian field creating diamonds for mankind. Faster than the speed of light, these fields leaves it standing almost instant arrival anywhere in the universe from any point in the universe and across all dimensions.. .. I don't know about the rest of mankind, I want to go home to where we obviously came from…. Bob

  11. Gravity is BS, Earth is flat and density makes things fall and rise simple. Sun is close and moves above circuiting with the stars like a lightshow, people need to wake up to the lies!

  12. I do not find this Hard to believe. nor does this change my mind about my belief in the Lord!
    Rather these findings Solidifies my belief in the Holy Living Word of God…
    Why …Because when you read Scripture it's Clear to me that humans were alive Before the Flood…1 it Literally says they were..2 See number 1!!!
    The only thing I have ever wondered is this…
    Considering Scripture says humans were alive Before the Flood;Why do So many poopoo it?
    It's the greatest History Book Ever!
    Science came about Orginally to discredit God and the Bible…
    So there's that white ELEPHANT in the room.That nobody likes to speak of?

  13. I just can't support any form of "suppression" of someone's theory, even if it is contradictory to the mainstream. If the theory is baseless and wrong, it will not gain support, so there's nothing for the establishment to be afraid of. If the establishment wants a theory suppressed even if it's correct, then the faster we can overhaul the establishment the better.

  14. How does the exceptional time period remains have lay waiting to be found,, destroy the evolution theory. It just took a lot longer than we thought
    Science knows the Earth is older than 4.5Ga, it just doesn't have evidence of such.
    And why is religion and science so separated in all or nothing. There is scope for a scientifically based knowledge pool infiltrated with a firm spiritual belief. Like mine is.
    You guys are so off on some hell bent mission to prove each other wrong. We need to enmeshed our ideas more than dispute them.
    Chill out.

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