
纳丹·拉巴基(Nadine Labaki)的CAPERNAUM(“混乱”)在戛纳电影节上获得了评审团大奖,讲述了黎巴嫩男孩Zain(Zain al Rafeea)的故事,该男孩以其生命的“罪行”起诉其父母。 CAPERNAUM跟随Zain,一个逃避过失的父母的流浪儿童,在大街上逃脱,通过机智生存,照顾埃塞俄比亚难民Rahil(Yordanos Shiferaw)和其小儿子Yonas(Boluwatife Treasure Bankole)被判入狱。 ,最后在法庭上寻求正义。 CAPERNAUM由一群非职业的角色扮演,他们的生活与他们的生活极为相似。按照她的剧本,拉巴基(Labaki)将表演者放在场景中,并要求他们以自己的言语和手势自发地做出反应。当非演员的本能与书面剧本背道而驰时,拉巴基改编了剧本以跟随他们。虽然沉浸在普通百姓的安静生活中,但CAPERNAUM的电影却有着广阔的调色板:它可以在不发出警告的情况下以强烈的情感点燃,以意想不到的柔情带来惊喜,并以诗意的意象闪烁。尽管它位于社会系统性不人道的深处,但CAPERNAUM最终还是一部充满希望的电影,它在呼吁采取行动时深深震撼着人们的心灵。


#SonyClassics #OfficialTrailer #Capernaum。

  1. My god just saw the movie… I literally can't stop crying… I feel as if I'm not the same anymore… Something definitely has changed in me…. My heart is heavy

  2. "how dare you judge me"……the cry from the mother was my best part.The reason why I like the film because it shows every way or I would say emotion and side of the character which is quite to difficult to do in this kind of movie

  3. thank you humans! just when you think life can't get more miserable, we get Capernaum! ?? to realize this is activism at its best is also sad… because no one moves a finger to help another human even after watching heartbreaks such as this. Is it too late?

  4. Açık ara farkla gordugum en guzel oyuncu Zain ve en guzel hayat hıkayesı.. Keske sadece “film” olsaydı.. Aglattınız.. Ömur boyu unutmayacagım..

  5. One of the best I have ever seen! Outstanding performance by the young actor Zain. Thank you Nadine Labaki, thank you Lebanon for allowing us a glimpse of what heart-wrenching struggles street children & refugees go through. This is what cinema is supposed to do; send a wake-up call to people.

  6. I couldn't stop my tears when i Saw It .
    It was amazing movie where we can find the real picture of the reality … And Zain was just amazing actor i loved him so much and his smile at the end It was innocent .. bravo

  7. Unfortunately the millions of children live in pain today. In this film, I saw the cruelty of people again. The film’s most impressive sentence was that: “ I’m suing to my parents, Judge! Because they gave birth to me.”
    I strongly believe that the world won’t be a beautiful place as the children continue to die. ?

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