
您需要了解有关Sony最新的PS5 DualSense Playstation控制器泄漏的所有信息。从已确认的规格,专利,按钮,双重震动以及与众不同的地方-这是官方评测。


在感觉像是多年以来只是获取信息碎片和听到半生半熟的谣言之后,我们终于有了有关PlayStation 5的一些具体且易于消化的新闻!索尼刚刚发布了有关PlayStation 5发射控制器DualSense的一系列新信息。经过20年的PlayStation控制器震撼全黑外观后,DualSense将脱离传统,并采用黑白配色方案。

这款新控制器还将以一些具有开创性的新功能迎接下一代游戏。例如,看起来PlayStation 5控制器将赶上大多数其他游戏设备,并通过USB-C端口充电。该控制器还承诺提供一种称为“触觉反馈”的东西,这基本上意味着按钮和模拟摇杆会根据游戏中的情况提供不同级别的阻力。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,该控制器还将配备内置麦克风,因此您在玩在线游戏时不需要耳机即可与其他玩家聊天。


不过,只有时间能证明PlayStation 5控制器是否能够如实地围绕它和系统本身进行宣传。但是,很明显,既然人们知道自己将要拥有什么,他们比以往任何时候都希望更多地使用PS5。

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  1. U know it would be amazing if they partnered up with Apple and asked them if they could include they’re haptic engine design, so instead of constant vibration for firing a gun it would make a tap.

  2. When I buy both ps5 and series X I'll only buy fps games for the Xbox because of the Xbox controller. every time I play fps on Sony systems the controlls are horrendous.

  3. I have a feeling the reason Sony didn’t show the “belly” of the controller is because it has Qi wireless capability when Sony announced the official name PS5 on this video look at 4:01 and I think they hint at what looks like a wireless charger on top maybe coincidence or maybe a tease ??!! Just speculating but I think it would be super cool !

  4. Black or white I don't care because I'm used to Xbox and Nintendo Switch controllers so I'm pretty sure I'll just pick the Xbox X anyways :/

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