
来自《唐顿庄园》的创作者和《戈斯福德公园》的作家朱利安·费洛斯。根据真实的事件,这部19世纪的戏剧跟随阶级鸿沟的相反两侧的两名足球运动员永远改变了比赛-英格兰。 《英语游戏》将于3月20日登陆Netflix。





班级对立面的两名19世纪足球运动员在职业和个人动荡的局面中改变着比赛的局面,并永远改变了英格兰。 。

  1. In Rio de Janeiro there is a club that was very persecuted when it was Rio champion playing with black and poor players. For the elite, this should not be allowed and one of the ways to try to prevent the club from playing in the championship was by trying to prohibit the club from playing because it does not have a stadium.

    And then this club launched "The Campaign of the 10,000".

    The club dubbed Gigante da Colina joined 10,000 member-fans in order to save money to build their stadium.

    Many of the fans at the time were factory workers and that's how the club built its stadium.

    When built by its fans, this stadium at the time became the largest stadium in South America.

    This stadium was the stage for the first game of the 1998 Copa Libertadores da América final, in which this club won this cup.

    I'm sure that the history of the Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama and the São Januário Stadium would be wonderfully well told by you in this series.

    Thanks for reading until the end.

  2. Excelente serie la disfruté de principio a fin, algo que me gusta de Inglaterra es que inventaron el Fútbol, el Rugby, a the Beatles y a the Rolling Stones.

  3. this show is so damn good. the music, characters, writing, locations, just everything. i dont really follow any sports except basketball occasionally and im american so i think that says a lot about how good the show is.

  4. Loved it but only thing I didn’t like was the overdriven love interests every minute basically and the Women’s Refuge thing.

  5. It's a brilliant and a beautiful series, passionate like football itself. I have a feeling The English Game will come up with a different story line, with different historical figures, sportspersons and managers with a different aspect of the game for the next season. Would love to see one of them about The Durand Cup!! After all it did affect the 4 billion and more later in the entire world.

  6. Disappointing that the characters did not call the game "soccer" as it was known colloquially at the time. Historically inaccurate.

  7. What a great series!
    Thank you Netflix & Co for this tribute to the world's most beautiful game.
    English drama, beautiful countryside, soulful background score, brilliant performances and Football!!
    Check it out even if you are not a football fan.
    Hopefully more seasons coming soon 🙂

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