
刺客信条瓦尔哈拉已经到来! Lowco对第一部预告片做出反应! #AssassinsCreed #AssassinsCreedValhalla

  1. We are in Russia, since the 10th century we have been in contact with the Vikings. They even walked along our rivers to the south, to the Greeks. If the Viking ship had shields on the sides of the boat, and also had a bow figure, then it goes with war.

  2. No thanks, I've never liked Assassins Creed games. I've never touched a single game in the series. This looks corny as hell. It looks like they ripped off the movie Braveheart.

  3. I hope we will meet known characters like Erik the Red, Ragnar Lothbrok, Bjørn Ironside, Gunnar Hamundarson and of cause Ivar the Boneless. That would be so cool!

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