
欢迎来到复活节湾(Easter Cove),这是缅因州多岩石海岸遥远的一个咸渔村。玛丽·贝丝(Mary Beth)和普莉西拉·康诺利(Priscilla Connolly)为失去母亲而面临的未来充满不确定性,为一个危险的男人掩盖了可怕的磨合。为了掩盖罪行,姐妹们必须更深入复活节湾的肋骨,并发现镇上的族长最黑暗的秘密。

由Morgan Saylor,Sophie Lowe和Margo Martindale主演的Bridget Savage Cole和Danielle Krudy撰写和导演。 Blow The Man Down只在3月20日的Prime Video上播出

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  1. Number one rule in movie making. Don’t exclude 50% of possible watchers. I hate it when people build movies around the idea of degrading men, it’s fucking stupid. This is gonna flop like birds of prey, which is very similar to this

  2. So is Margo going to offer her enemies a glass of her apple pie? Cuz ya KNOW she has a moonshine distillery hid underneath all those lobsters.

  3. wow at least its there own thing now but ill go ahead and predict this one to like i did all the other woke make junk this will last one maybe 2 seasons like most of the others and die off like it should woke keep saying they want equality but keep just bashing men and saying woman are better in every way that is far from equality i love strong female roles and male roles even more so when the work together or at least show they care what happens to each other be it just friends or otherwise this looks like more woman rule men drool type of show like all the other woke made junk its all failed why would this be any different but i will give it this much at least they have there own story here and not just ruining other peoples work come with the backlash from my comment i welcome it why because all woke tv shows and movies fail they all are dying or have died the only one that looks to not be that way is watchmen but they just lied about the truth on that one of there ways of acting like it did not fail is saying man babys used multi accounts to down vote them this is one of the biggest problems with woke garbage if it fails they blame men while saying its not for you well who is it for then and why did they not show up to see it or turn to that channel its on ill tell you why anytime you put political agenda over story and substance and characters it will come out bad and be garbage its that simple really and im sick of hearing comic book movies and shows are not for me it was us mostly male geek crowd who followed it and kept it alive for almost 100 years decades we have loved comics got made fun of and beaten up over liking them badly beaten alot of them now that is popular and mainstream you going to use that medium we kept going and loved to bash us male fans with sorry not going to fly what do u expect you would not expect a woman to go see something that bashes woman now would you so why in the hell do u expect us to like and go see it pure stupidity honestly

  4. Never heard anything about this but since Our Holy Rotten Tomatoes who is never wrong about anything and always gives the best reviews gave them 100% Fresh I should totally drop everything and watch this right?

  5. Esteemed Character Actress and Fugitive of the Law Margo Martindale?? I see her face and think, she could be anyone. A federal judge? A Russian spy? A proud southern matriarch?

  6. So the same people who cut the Knives Out trailer, cut this trailer? Quick cuts, violin playing to increase tension, sarcastic- JossWhedon style quips, yep…yep…and yep

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