

距曼哈顿仅11英里,哈特岛(Hart Island)成为纽约无人认领和贫穷的最后一个休养地已有一个多世纪。在纽约市宣布将利用公共墓地掩埋无名无闻的covid-19受害者之后,布朗克斯附近的小岛在4月初成为全国关注的焦点。

它是美国最大的万人冢。每年至少有1000具尸体被埋在该岛上,在其陶器场(称为城市公墓)的地块中可以发现超过100万具。然而,哈特岛(Hart Island)的传奇历史早在冠状病毒使该州成为大流行震中之前就已经开始了。了解更多:https://wapo.st/2YgecLf。特价:感谢您的支持,以下是《华盛顿邮报》数字订阅的一项交易:每年29美元,网址为http://washingtonpost.com/youtubeoffer。



  1. We the people have a responsibility to hold the media accountable to their reporting. We need to call out misinformation even if alphabet and FB don’t

  2. Hart Island has over 1 million NYC spirits roaming around endlessly forever?? An Island 1 mile long by .33 mile wide?
    That's ideal Democrat-Progressive living standards I would say!

  3. Well at lease they buried them and not cremated them so what do y’all expect!!!! There will always be poor people and unwanted people in this world ? old people who family is all dead ? and no one to claim them !!! Death is a part of life !!!!!!

  4. What you see in this sequence is not people who died of Wuhan coronavirus ,but John do that's who are in them white box, as usually Washington Post is lying

  5. There are 20 Million people in the New York City metro area. If the average life expectancy were 70 then 1/7th of that number would die each decade. So say 3M people. That is roughly 300,000 per year or 800-1000 each day.

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