

成为对前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)发生深刻变化的时刻的亲密观察,不仅对她个人而言,而且对她和丈夫在白宫服务超过八年的国家都十分重要。这部电影对她的生活进行了罕见而近距离的观察,在她进行34个城市巡回演出时将观众带到了幕后,突出了社区弥合我们之间鸿沟的力量以及我们坦诚相待时的连接精神分享我们的故事。




与前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)一起观看一部亲密的纪录片,了解她在“成为”中的生活,希望和与他人的联系。 。

  1. Here for Michelle Obama ??♥
    Time to get a Netflix Subscription in like 2 years of not watching Netflix.
    So excited I can't wait.

  2. I don't know why… But I find that LITTLE clip in 1:11 so cool! Just watching a first lady enjoying herself in a little dance.
    I still can't believe that these people were in the White House!

  3. Michelle running for President of the United States, as long as she give men rights, she will have no problems becoming the next president. Because she see what's going on we being under attack.
    We will not stand getting hurt no more….

  4. it must be tough being the wife of the most useless president in history. well at least netflix gifted her some millions so she can wipe those tears away.

  5. I literally could have watched this instead of reading the book for my English class if this had come out before. But on the bright side I want to compare the book to this documentary though! ?

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