
虚幻引擎5是Epic Games的下一代游戏引擎,利用了电影级的艺术品资产和动态照明。 PS5技术演示重点介绍了Epic游戏引擎的新功能。

  1. Shows a incredibly details environement
    me Woooohaa nice
    Can only climb rock where there is painting that tells you wich rock is climbable and where to go…
    me Pffff …Come on, they could do it on a Wii U but you never manage to do that since the PS3 … what the ** guys !!

  2. from ps1 to ps2 to ps3 I could notice all the changes, quality and stuff……from ps3 to ps4 I stopped noticing…..Until You give me Lion King Movie Graphics in games

  3. Unreal Engine 5 tech demo. Oh and Playstation gave us money so they can put their label on it even tho it has nothing to do with Playstation or its hardware.. PC and Xbox will be able (if not more able) to run the Unreal Engine 5 as well..

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