Anthony Fauci在参议院冠状病毒听证会期间与Rand Paul争吵

在5月12日的参议院听证会上,美国顶级传染病专家Anthony S. Fauci警告了新型冠状病毒对儿童的未知风险。阅读更多:。特价:感谢您的支持,以下是《华盛顿邮报》数字订阅的一项交易:一年$ 29美元,网址为。



  1. "Outside of New England we've had a benign course for this virus nationwide. "
    Did I just hear Paul correctly? Ever hear of NJ and NY? Maybe the hillbilly has map issues.
    Put kids in jeopardy? I don't think so.

  2. A 79yr old life long infectious disease expert, or an opinionated Trump loving libertarian.
    The choice should be obvious, amazingly there are those who still make bad choices. There is just no reason to be stupid on purpose.

  3. Fauci is unelected official, so he cannot he held accountable for words he says or decision he makes. Paul is a senator, so the fact he says what he says takes lots of balls. That said, only history will tell whose argument is right (or neither thereof).

  4. Ryan Paul, No worries, Send your kids and grand kids back to school. If they make it then we go for it. And this Prick is a doctor. What a waste of space

  5. I’m sorry but this guy doesn’t pass my smell test! I can almost always smell a rat! I know at the minimum he has conflicts of interest ….I’m sure we can find another “expert” from this nation ….why is he and Birx the only ones who get to way in….I feel bad for Trump because they would crucify him if he relieved them of their duties as part as the covid response team. He already tried and they jumped on him!! Bastards

  6. RP cites Sweden's approach–checked the numbers–Sweden w/ 10.23 million people–27,000 cases over 3000 deaths–Ohio w/ similar population(over 11 million) 21,000 cases, 1,100 deaths—-I'd opt for Ohio's approach Rand!!!

  7. Shut the fort detricks lab in usa or they will leak another virus. They have it there too I bet u. Yes it came from China but fauci would have back up plans.

  8. "What's going to happen to the poor kids…." As if Rand actually cares about the poor. I am sure he has done nothing with the poor other than to step over them and grimace with distaste and derision. "Ugh. The unwashed masses are so disgusting. Why don't you go away? You inconvenience me by having the audacity to NEED stuff. I am already all filled up this year on charitable contributions. Several months ago I threw a dollar at a homeless person because he stank and that offended my delicate sensibilities, so I wanted him to go AWAY. See? He probably bought a whole muffin with that. I TOLD you my generosity is astounding."

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