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PWI的Mike Johnson报告说,没有关闭或出售Global Force Wrestling的计划,也没有出售磁带库的计划。卡伦·贾瑞特(Karen Jarrett)的身份仍在豪华轿车中,戴夫·梅尔策(Dave Meltzer)再次错了。

由BQ主持的山王播客(King of the Mountain Podcast)每周都会对GFW Impact进行正面但诚实的评论,以及突发新闻,讨论问题,视频博客和访谈。 KOTM Podcast不会带来负面影响,我们为那些厌倦了那些压倒公司的粉丝们提供了一个社区。您值得拥有像您一样热爱全球力量冲击摔跤的播客!您值得拥有一个播客,他将以积极的态度报道全球部队摔跤比赛,而无需BBS!我们正努力成为YouTube上排名第一的全球力量摔角播客。享受大量GFW内容,请立即订阅!





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未来的影响力创意团队将由John Gaburick,Sonjay Dutt和Scott D’Amore领导。这不是Gaburick再次负责创意的情况。这三人将与荷兰人Mantel,Jeremy Borash和Abyss一起领导创意,并提供意见并协助履行不同的创意职责。


在最后一天,有报道称摔跤观察员戴夫·梅尔泽(Dave Meltzer)报告说,《国歌》正在关闭纳什维尔的办公室,并将所有物品搬到多伦多。我们被告知,在本周早些时候的会议上,一位工作人员专门询问了爱德·诺德霍尔姆,并表示没有计划这样做。从长远来看,我认为这是最有意义的,因为Anthem在多伦多拥有工作室和基础设施,因此将所有内容都放在内部比在Nashville租用工作室空间更有意义。

关于凯伦·贾瑞特(Karen Jarrett),几天前,我推断她已经在这里完成了。我代表那是一个错误,对此我深表歉意。有人告诉我,关于她的处境还没有决定。

杰夫·贾瑞特(Jeff Jarrett)的Twitter简历现在指出:“正在进行中的几个新项目……正在预订,请发送电子邮件至[email protected]

  1. I had feel the rumor was BS cause it contradicts them announcing GWN app and renewal of tv contracts.
    Plus i find it ironic that rumor came a day before this weeks impact. I respect pwinsider they apologized and corrected there reports.

  2. These so called "journalists" just want to spew out fake news on GFW. Sad to see that nowadays people want other people to fail. Whatever happened to wrestling nowadays, I'm not just a fan of GFW, but NJPW, CML, AAA, Noah, and PWG but it seems whatever everyone wants to see is failure of a company which tells you how much wrestling fans are truly wrestling fans if they want companies to fail

  3. Hey Kotm Podcast if Jeff Jeff does leave the IMPACT wrestling & take the GFW what about maybe Billy Corgan can bring NWA Wrestling in IMPACT Zone maybe there's still hope right

  4. Do not underestimate, that JJ has a big ego himself, I could not help feeling that JJ brought himself all over the Rosemary video in this episode and could also not help remembering, that he was actually ordered to stay off TV. Also Nordholms decision seems to be well reasoned, if not people like Kevin, Scott and Dutch had followed Jeff at ones. Gaburick is the only thing that worries me.

  5. It pissed me off that I seen tweets from Matt Hardy and Reby bashing the company. It's like they gave u opportunity and you would like them to go out of business for a gimmick. I will support Impact tell the end have been a loyal fan since 2006!!!

  6. Let's keep hoping for the best for Jeff & the company. I don't want to see him go either, but what ever the real problem is, let's hope the best comes out of this.

  7. I always hated  the name GFW/Merger but Dixie ran both TNA/Impact names into the ground. I do still watch Impact which is the only name of the 3 that makes sense or most respectable sounding also. You can't rebrand again unless the official merger didn't go through with Anthem now owning the GFW name though. This company is flooded with nonstop internal drama but the talent & the fans are the ones that suffer right?  Seriously I think Double J is cursed a) he had a bad fallen out with his dad over Tna's ownership now enter in Dixie. b) he left the wwf under real bad terms but it really wasn't all his fault though c) when he was made champ in WCW the doors were about to close soon after but I found him entertaining but him trading the belt off so much hurt the product period. d) The Karen love triangle that got Jeff exiled from his own company for awhile. e) He came back after his exile with even less power but eventually left  to start up another promotion GFW & INVOVLED IN A CASH FOR GOLD SCANDAL…. f) Now Anthem brings Jeff & Karen back to merge Tna & GFW as he helps screw the Hardys but it did get rid of Dixie though. g) Jarrett gone again for the umpteenth time…

  8. If they rebrand again then I'm done. Jeff Jarrett was impact wrestling last hope, not only that if he leaves the partnerships might be gone as well.

  9. I hope JJ seeks the help he needs because I've been a fan of his since his USWA days when they came here to Louisville every Tuesday night. Hopefully he will come back to the promotion in better shape. Now that Ed Nordholm himself has addressed the rumors, lets get back to watching our favorite promotion put out great content

  10. Is there any chance that Jarretts leave is temporary? I am starting to dig GFW and I would hate to see another rebrand. Surely Jarrett and Norholm can come up with something. Jeff probably doesn't want to start another wrestling company.

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