埃利·德雷克(Eli Drake)对阵马特·Sydal(Matt Sydal),周四参加GFW全球冠军赛| #IMPACT 2017年9月7日,星期四

当周四晚上,伊莱·德雷克(Eli Drake)为马特·菲尔(Matt Sydal)捍卫他的GFW全球锦标赛冠军时,会发生什么? Sydal击败Lashley后还能继续前进吗? Eli Drake会继续成为冠军吗?找出星期四晚上。


IMPACT WRESTLING将于周四在Pop上的8 / 7c播放。不要错过它!要找出可以观看的地方,请访问www.poptv.com上的频道查找器

  1. I hope Eli starts using BFT again, his old finisher at least as a move because it was pretty nasty, it fits him a lot more than this piledriver

  2. So GFW stays on pop witch means ratings will drop again they need a better TV Deal. like when they were on Spike. and at least put 900k viewers or even a million.

  3. This is going to be a great episode this week. Taya Valkyrie and Pagano both debut, Konley and Lee face Williams and Dutt, Allie and Gail take on Taryn and Sienna, plus Drake defending against Sydal. I love IMPACT WRESTLING.

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