GFW是否将迷迭香/性感明星事件变成故事情节? | IMPACT休息室

Global Force Wrestling是否将这种迷迭香的伤害变成了故事情节?我们在这里得到了真相。

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通过迈克·约翰逊在2017-09-02 13:02:00
自GFW在本周的《影响力摔跤》(Impact Wrestling)一集中报道了有关Triplemania的性感明星-迷迭香情况的录像带讽刺作品(以及我对为什么将其转变为故事情节的评论,在我看来,这是一个坏主意),因此应注意GFW的两个不同消息来源已联系,表明该公司未与Sexy Star保持联系,也未计划将其引入。

我们被告知该公司将对此事件进行报道,因为这在粉丝中引起了很大的议论,但它并不是故事情节的一部分,导致一场比赛或涉及Star vs. Rosemary的任何性质的比赛。由于该公司正在构建GFW与AAA的故事情节。根据今天下午被告知的情况,似乎没有尝试通过Rosemary上Star的拍摄赚钱的尝试。

  1. The rumor I heard from Konnan not sure if its true but that Jeff Jarrett wanted to turn it into a storyline cause I think Jarrett thought it was a work and the reaction it got generated a ton of heat easy money but he found out that it wasn't a work and decided to change his mind.

  2. They have to be very careful about this, some people will assume if this incident is shown/mentioned during a pro wrestling show that it was a work/angle all along which of course it wasn't. It's already got plenty publicity I would say don't mention it at all.

  3. I think that it's ok for them to bring it up as it did happen but as you say, as long as they handle it with kids gloves and Rosemary is fine with it being mentioned then I'm cool with it

  4. Sadly it wouldn't surprise me if they did try to turn it into an angle but I am just not comfortable with it. It's opportunistic in all the wrong ways.

  5. This adds a BAD precedent for the future if they turn this into a storyline. It will show that basically if want to get expose and get booked, you have create controversy by braking someone's arm on purpose, which is batshit crazy.

  6. thanks for the shoutout. i think they should address it as the world talked about it for a week. GFW need to stop letting these dirtsheets kill their vibes with bs

  7. If they turn it into a storyline, it'll fall flat on its ass. If they are gonna address the situation, then okay. They can talk about it just for a week or two. But if they make a storyline out of this and have the gall to bring in Sexy Star then this will be the worst PR move that GFW will make this year.

  8. I have to say, in the Russo days I wouldn't think twice they'd turn this into some awful, silicone-implant storyline. Yet, knowing Jarrett, Dutch, etcetera take wrestling seriously, I don't think they're going to exploit anybody. Address it, definitely. Rosemary is a top GFW roster member, so the company making an official statement on television is great: would be foolish not to.

    Thanks for all the updates! Keep on.

  9. I've just got to say, Rosemary in my opinion has really stepped her game up since the ending of Decay. I'm glad that GFW/Impact did not cut her, she truly is an amazing talent in and out of the ring.

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