
加入我们,深入了解新的战斗环境;在这场战斗中的野兽之路让我们玩吧。该视频探讨了战场上野兽可用的选项,包括两个新的魔法,一个新的传奇领主,所有新的单位和新的战斗环境!战斗在困难难度下进行。有关《野兽召唤》 DLC的更多信息,请访问此处-http://store.steampowered.com/app/404012/

  1. It's hilarious seeing people calling this DLC "expensive". Do you think anything in this world comes for free? Programmers, animators, model designers, artists, sound team, terrain designers etc are putting in the work. If 15 euros make you cringe then maybe you should go out of your moms house and get a job.

  2. Like the Cygor but it would be also cool (I think) if the Cygor comes out of a giant gap that turns up. You are just using some dust or fog to cover that it comes out of the bare groundanimation. But anyway it is goddamn cool this scene!

  3. It's so dark. You can barley see anything that's going on. The entire game is like this and it's mental! (even daytime missions, catch the unit on the side facing away from the sun and its very dark. No it's not my monitor)

  4. I love the new Warhammer game, but if you guys could stop being greedy fucks and make decent DLC or lower the cost that would be great. Will not be buying this DLC

  5. I love the new Warhammer game, but if you guys could stop being greedy fucks and make decent DLC or lower the cost that would be great. Will not be buying this DLC

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