Magnus对阵Matt Morgan GFW全球冠军赛| IMPACT 2017年5月4日

马特·摩根(Matt Morgan)加盟了马格努斯(Magnus),在此过程中获得了与马格努斯面对面的机会,以参加GFW全球锦标赛。摩根能否赢得胜利并赢得马格努斯的“金票”?


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  1. unification of atleast 2 or more title's incoming hopefully at slamiversy

    1. GFW/TNA world title's
    2. knockout championship/GFW women's championship

    but that still leaves us with a tag team championship that say's tna on it & a minor league title that say's GFW on it lol.

  2. Well, since GFW hasn't really been admitted into being Impact issued championship, I feel this loss was rather meaningless. Not to downplay the significance of the title, but, there is NO significance. You will still need to explain the reason for two world titles. Especially if Impact is one show.

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