火棒越狱! 快速加速并解锁您的Fire TV设备! 所有应用和apk! 一个来源!

在此视频中,您将学习如何加速和越狱Fire TV设备,以使您能够访问应用程序不匹配的mods索引上的每个应用程序和APK以及每个可用的Kodi版本和Kodi Forks。当然,在此视频之后,我建议您做以下视频…以下链接是Fire TV Bully安装程序上的视频…我完整的安装带有Kodi构建的错配模块之一,不会将任何设备变成更好的设备! 您的设备将表现出更好的性能,并且比您想像的要多。…只要您正在使用Firetv Bullies设置,它就可以保持最新状态,并且您不会获得所有的缓冲和冻结功能其他所有内容…如果您对任何Kodi版本都不感兴趣,那么这是您唯一需要的视频,因为就像我说的那样,它会保持最新! 如果您对Kodi构建感兴趣,那么您还可以再观看两个视频哦…这个,然后选择您想要的Kodi构建哪个Misfit mods …因此,对于firetv恶霸设置来说,这实际上是排名第一的设置适用于Fire TV设备和Android! 现在,逐步播放视频…大约一个月了,但是今天仍然一切都相关且仍然是相同的设置,很有趣哦,就这一点而言,不要安装Theater plus …即使我最喜欢整个应用程序都已安装完毕,现在该应用程序已关闭,我不知道何时发布,但开发人员应该尽快重新启动它。他之前做过,花了大约八个月的时间才意识到这是一个更好的名称,一百倍更好的应用程序… Theater plus的移动版本仍然可以使用,但是您必须使用鼠标切换…但是您仍然拥有想要观看,阅读,收听,播放或执行的所有操作…再说一次,如果您想在世界上获得最好的设置,请在此链接中关注此视频…-剧院加上不要安装剧院以及其他所有内容…单击以下链接https://youtu.be/XZntraeMGBg 。

  1. Someone commented asking how long it takes for Swift streamz to download but I don't see it when I click on the comment it pulls up the video and I can't see the common anywhere… So if you're reading this, usually just a little bit but the last few days it's just been getting stuck on 0%… I had to find somebody who had a file Link store that had it

  2. The build downloads and installs but when I restart to wait 5 mins before doing anything the build doesn’t show as installed and give the x in a red circle and says error check file log

  3. I have 2 new 4k firesticks on a new vizio 4k smart TV that I tried to add a mini keyboard and mouse using otg cable but when I turned the firestick on the 2nd day the screen turned green and the apps were barely visible. I did a reset and factory reset but it didn't solve the green screen. Do you think it was because the otg cable reduced the voltage to the 4k firestick. I have 4 hdmi ports with cable tv, T95Q android box, 2nd generation fire tv box and a roku box that work. I returned both the 4k firesticks back. I ordered another one and before I hookup the otg cable I want to figure out the problem. I have had misfit mods build for years. Thanks for your hard work.

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