
如何将Internet速度提高三倍Cat8与Wifi-如何提高Internet速度-如何降低Ping-我测试Fortnite游戏玩法Wifi与Cat8以太网电缆-如何获得更快的Internet速度会员链接:***在亚马逊上查看我的AngelPGC商店***我已审查和使用的所有其他游戏产品:https://www.amazon.com/shop/angelpgc Cat 8以太网电缆5 ft-最新,最快(40Gpbs)https://amzn.to/30358a5 Cat 8英尺10英尺或16.5英尺的以太网电缆-最新,最快(40Gpbs)https://amzn.to/2Xj8ybU Cat 8英尺25英尺的以太网电缆-最新,最快(40Gpbs)https://amzn.to/2N6byn1感谢收看! 请单击此处订阅和共享https://www.youtube.com/c/AngelPGC订阅,共享,并在下面发表评论,再见! ?免责声明:此视频和说明包含会员链接,可让您查找此视频中提到的内容。 这意味着,如果您单击其中一个产品链接,我们将收取少量佣金,而您无需支付任何额外费用。 这有助于支持该频道,并允许我们继续制作这样的视频。 谢谢你的支持! 。

  1. the cat8 doesnt effect anything in fortnite, the ping you get is from your wifi, sending signals to your game server what you have done something

  2. HAHA you remind me of my little niece. but cool video and testing. order my cat8 ethernet cable on amazon. im rocking old broken and brittle cat5.

  3. You could have gotten the same results with a lesser expensive Cat-5e. Unless your speed from your provider is 100Mbps or better there is no need for a Cat-8 cable. If you have 50Mbps internet speed a Cat-8 cable is overkill. My speed is 150Mpbs with my Cat-8 I'm pulling 150-183Mbps but Cat-8 is a Gigabyte cord used to transfer high speed broadband internet.

  4. Cat8 doesn't give you any extra speed vs a Cat5e Cable. Cat8 is for Data centers with 40 Gig network cards. Your computer or console doesn't have a 40Gb network card let alone your switch or router you're plugging it into.

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