
第3部分-我们看看传奇的GFW广播播客的结尾以及当今每个人的位置! **由于该材料具有变革性,因此本视频中使用的所有图片,录像带和音频均属于“合理使用”。**感谢您的观看! 我仍然是GFW的忠实拥护者,制作这部影片实在是一炮而红。 在Twitter上关注我:@JudgeOfTheKings不要忘记喜欢并订阅! 即将推出更多播客和视频! ==使用的材料==(我没有赞助)Logitec c920相机Samson流星麦克风Adobe Premiere Digital Trip Softbox灯(可能仅在日本吗?)由小型过滤器和连裤袜制成的流行滤镜…是==使用的音乐== ReMix:《刺猬索尼克2》(Sonic the Hedgehog 2)“化工厂区(减法分配混合物)” ReMix:“暗黑破坏神”“湿草启发”。

  1. Wanna come down here and see where and how you started. The funny thing is, the ad I have to watch before this video is better than this video itself.
    And 114 views?! I'm just glad that you didn't stop there hahaha

  2. I've been falling asleep to gfw radio practically every night for the last 6 months or so.

    Don't remember the exact reason I started. I think it had something to do with wanting a comfort blanket of nostalgia, if that makes any sense.

    It's calmed me down at the end of a stressful day time and time again.

    I'm such a goddamn nerd, but these podcasts have helped me keep my sanity.

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