Shield DVD,Jeff Jarrett的GFW Fantasy,Alex Riley:三重威胁

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  1. I really didn't like Alex Riley as a commentator so I'm really happy to hear he's getting back in the ring. I always thought WWE never gave him a proper chance anyway so this is a great thing.

    I don't know much about GFW, but the fact that Jeff Jarrett is in the Bullet Club is all kinds of wrong to me. He's looks completely out of place and just begging to be part of something cool again.

    Feels way too early for WWE to release a Shield DVD. I would have waited another year or two and then release it as a 3 disc set that focuses on each member's careers separately. Maybe that's what they're doing, but I'd like them to have plenty more to talk about regarding their singles runs (post-Shield) than what we do at the moment.

  2. Alex Riley did nothing for me I'm just happy he's off commentary cuz, he fucking sucked on commentary.
    Never was a big Alex Riley fan just look too generic for me didn't really have a personality I'll give him this he was actually not that bad in the ring but, otherwise Alex Riley I always found be tremendously boring

  3. i know it is too soon to do a shield dvd. the wwe hyperbole isnt far fetched as a group. they were undefeated for more than a year. the swept evolution in an elimination match and feuded with fellow dominant trio the wyatts. 

  4. When Alex Riley first turned face I thought he was going places. Maybe now they can get him back on track and sooner or later he'll be back on the main roster. Also I heard that NXT might become it's own brand soon. So maybe if that happens he can just stay down there and get treated like a real wrestler. 

  5. because he modeled himself after the rock and the rock was returning… thats why he was benched. rock aint coming back no time soon. and here we go.

  6. Schlegdaddy, the WWE CONSTANTLY does the same with Cena (I actually vomit a little when do) Throwing Hogan Flair, and ALL other legends under the bus to overhype Cena smh

    it's the same issue the nba has when it comes to espn trying to over sell Kobe and LeBron to the point they have CONSISTENTLY threw Michael Jordan under the bus

    Lets not even talk about espn's over selling of manning and manning vs brady or over selling Dwight Howard

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