ESP8266用于控制网页RGB颜色的模拟电压| ADS1115 ADC,Websockets,Arduino

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  1. Hello I want to build a counter with the parts below. The ToF sensor detects when a person pass by going in the room and will count up by "1". when that one person exit the room the ToF sensor will detect and count back down to "0" . count<1 = light off. Count>0 = light on. The node sends this command to my home assistant. I am more of a self taught mechanical engineer. Can you help with this?
    KeeYees 3pcs ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 ESP-12E WiFi
    KNACRO GY-530 VL53LOX Laser

  2. that was a nice one cause of giving a solution for the limitations of esp8266 for one analog pin,
    but there is another way around this problem that i want to share i hope it can be useful for some cases

    you can make a little script and circuit change to get the data without using that module and its just associating io pins with 2n222 to activate the module you want to read the data from with voltage it needs then read the data and put it in array then next sensor for example in one second you can at least get data from 3 sensors or any analog thing, this is not a perfect idea cause yours is better for starters and specially when some sensors need to warm up to get the correct data but still the idea lives and any one can make it happend

    thank cisco for another amazing tutorial

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