
OptiMole插件可以在几分钟内将您的网站速度提高50%以上。 在此幕后OptiMole教程中了解如何进行学习和审查。 创建一个OptiMole帐户:http://trusted.wpanswered.com/optimole-ytd订阅:http://trusted.wpanswered.com/subscribe TWITTER:https://twitter.com/WP答案的脸书:https:// www。 facebook.com/wpanswered/ =====谁是本? =====在过去的9年中,我一直在不停地使用WordPress。 2014年,我开设了自己的主题店,名为Compete Themes,至今仍然活跃。 我已经设计和开发了19个WordPress主题(所有主题均已由WordPress主题审查小组正式批准),这些主题的下载量总计超过1.5+百万。 作为使用WordPress的用户和开发人员的人,我从内到外都知道这个平台。 现在,我在教我所知道的一切。 通过向您展示如何智能地使用WordPress,我可以帮助您跳过很多挫败和浪费的时间。 订阅以跟上我的视频,如果您很高兴与我一起学习,请说“嗨!” 在下面的评论部分中:) =====关于此视频=====在此OptiMole评论中,您将学习如何使用免费的插件和服务来优化WordPress网站中的图像。 OptiMole可以压缩图像,从而使文件大小最多减少95%。 尽管OptiMole插件利用有损压缩来获得这些结果,但是人眼通常无法察觉质量的下降。 结果是您获得了一个更快的网站,并且您的图像看起来相同。 OptiMole比通常包含复杂且复杂的设置页面的其他图像压缩插件更易于使用。 尽管您将在OptiMole中看到所有可用的设置,但除了在网站上激活它以外,您无需执行任何其他操作即可看到性能提高。 总体而言,OptiMole是一个出色的WordPress图像优化插件。 =====视频时间表=====每个星期二和星期四,美国东部标准时间下午12点提供新的WordPress教程。 。

  1. I compress with optinzilla which gives me ? on gtmetrix. The sizes are not exact… but that shows sometimes on Page Speed. I do need lazy load. Do I need this plugin???

  2. Hi Ben,
    Thank for this.
    This question is coming from a state of brain-overload so please forgive if I have missed an answer given in your video.
    I have uploaded some images to my WP Library.
    A subsequent visit to Optimole is not showing the newly uploaded images. The previously uploaded images are there and marked as Optimised but not the 9 new images.
    Is there a step I have not completed?
    Why this disparity?
    Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to give.

  3. I installed this plugin around the 7th of Jan, and it is still optimizing the images, its at 34%….my site is about 9 gb….I am guessing it will take about a month to get the whole site done. Is it normal for it to take so long?

  4. thanks a lot for the video. If after I optimised all my images I wanted to use an alternative plugin, what would happen in this case? Would I lose all my images?. thanks again

  5. Thanks for the video. What about the Whitelist Domain settings in the Optimole portal? My host uses a CDN. Should I add my host's CDN address here?

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