
塞斯·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)的独白,从8月3日星期一开始。 现在在孔雀上直播:https://bit.ly/3erP2gX订阅深夜:http://bit.ly/LateNightSeth在NBC上与Seth Meyers Weeknights 12:35/11:35c一起观看深夜。 与塞思·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)一起获得更多深夜:http://www.nbc.com/late-night-with-seth-meyers/社交晚间关注在Twitter上关注深夜:https://twitter.com/LateNightSeth喜欢深夜在Facebook上:https://www.facebook.com/LateNightSeth跟随“深夜” Instagram:http://instagram.com/LateNightSeth在Tumblr上的“深夜”:http://latenightseth.tumblr.com/与YouTube上的Seth Meyers的“深夜”收录名人名人嘉宾,令人难忘的喜剧和热门独白笑话。 像NBC一样获得更多NBC:http://Facebook.com/NBC关注NBC:http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr:http://NBCtv.tumblr.com/ YouTube:http://www.youtube。 com / nbc NBC Instagram:http://instagram.com/nbctv特朗普宣布他将禁止TikTok-与塞思·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)一起深夜https://youtu.be/CKtKrS3ldZo与塞思·迈耶斯(Seth Meyers)的深夜http://www.youtube.com / user / latenightseth。

  1. Trump really getting rid of tiktok is because the boss of it is a loyalists to the ccp and actually has a lot of plans to fine user's data hens why India and Australia banned the app

  2. I Don"t hear anyone talking about Trump's wanting revenge on TicTok for its members filing non-attendance to his Tulsa rally. Could this be more of a vengeful act from Trump?

  3. Before the TikTok users sabotaged Trump's rally in Tulsa he had not known about it. Tell me that this is not a case of blatant retaliation

  4. I think Tik Tok is juvenile and stupid. Shouldn't have been invented anyways. As for Trump, he should drink chamomile tea and play a crossword puzzle.

  5. If Trump deals with Tik Tok as well as he deals with COVID, by the end of this month Tik Tok will be on every phone, tablet, computer, TV and toaster in the world. . And you won't be able to un-install it. . ever.

  6. I like how all of these idiots are ignoring that Tiktok is being used by China to steal data and spy on people. But I guess that's what happens when a mass of stupid people don't research anything and only believe word of mouth of shitty celebrities.

  7. You know what concerns me???? You people who are liar’s about the President. Who would Vote for The Stealing family Biden. He doesn’t even know where he is most of the time.

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