如何加快uTorrent 3.4.8 [Fastest Settings]

这是我关于如何加快Utorrent的新视频。 就个人而言,这对我有用,所以我希望它也对您有用。 请确保在应用设置后等待片刻使它们生效,甚至重新启动Utorrent。 Utorrent:http://www.utorrent.com/ ======================================重设设置:如果您放慢了速度,请按照以下说明将所有设置重设为默认设置。 按Ctrl + Alt + Delete并进入进程,确保utorrent已结束。 在搜索栏的左下角按启动按钮-%appdata%-单击Utorrent删除settings.dat settings.dat.old重新打开utorrent并全部完成! :)“梦想文化” Kevin MacLeod(incompetech.com)已通过知识共享许可:通过Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/。

  1. wow it really work im not saying that the dislike button worked but its actually work because yesterday i cant deal with this slow download speed i try to restart my router and my pc then i remembered to search for new port then i find this it works for me i use the port and restart my utorrent and pc then to 35-145kbps to 1.7mbps and this is not hes 2nd account this im from phillipines

  2. 6kb to 2-5 mbps but I normally get 50mbps with my ultra pro wifi but I guess 5 is better then 6kb xD thanks so much I subbed and liked 🙂

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