
订阅我们的频道! 在对美国公司的未来进行了数周的猜测之后,洛杉矶居民分享了他们对美国总统唐纳德·特朗普计划通过行政命令禁止社交媒体应用TikTok的想法。 “对于我来说,如果他们关闭TikTok,我将失去自己的小平台,成为我的创造力,因此,如果没有TikTok,我可以做的只是表达自己的一点,”洛杉矶居民和该应用程序的用户Kelly说。 唐纳德·特朗普周五对记者说,他的政府将最早在周六关闭该应用程序,该应用程序是北京公司ByteDance的子公司。 “我认为这很荒谬,因为老实说,我觉得TikTok总部位于中国,但是我觉得他们已经采取了所有安全措施,可以保护我的信息。据我所知,他们将信息存储在海外,洛杉矶的首席执行官,所以这样做实在太荒谬了。”另一位用户马塞尔(Marcel)认为,禁止使用该应用程序会对使用该服务覆盖大量受众的内容创作者有害。 他还补充说,在采取果断行动之前,当局应该给公司更多时间实施数据安全和隐私措施。 本周初,TikTok受到美国外国投资委员会的正式调查,原因是担心用户数据可能会与中国政府共享,并且指控应用审查员的内容与北京不符。 据报道,总部位于西雅图的科技巨头微软正在商讨从字节跳动收购该公司。 视频ID:20200801-013视频点播:https://ruptly.tv/videos/20200801-013联系人:[email protected] Twitter:http://twitter.com/Ruptly Facebook:http://www.facebook .com / Ruptly。

  1. The problem is that young people don’t really know the core reason for the TikTok ban. For young idiots, politics and law make about as much sense to them as a penguin doing a handstand. Chinese law requires its citizens to give information or data upon request about its customers to the Chinese Communist Party. Period. How do you explain that to an idiot? You can’t.

  2. Dear boys & girls, listen up kiddos, the U.S. cares more about National Security concerns than your silly little APP that allows you to have fun & make funny videos & what not. Also, let this serve as a reminder, don't pull pranks on the Commander in Chief because you think it's hilarious to do so.

  3. "I think it's like really about like control and stuff…and like doesn't really, like have anything to do with anything"
    Hearing the impassioned pleas of the TikTok community really puts things into perspective?

  4. I want to thank Dr Sunny a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem I then contact Dr Sunny and told him every thing and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within 48 hours, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him with via email: [email protected] or add him up on his whatsapp +2349056393169 is willing to help any body that need his help.

  5. Just create an American copy of tik tok problem solved and everyone’s happy. The Chinese do this to our software all the time when we don’t comply with their draconian censorship laws, and they also don’t have to obey international copyright law there so I say steal the idea.

  6. Spying aside, TikTok is a field trip for pedos. Because the amount of videos of minors doing suggestive things it might aswell be considered softcore child porn app. If TikTok won't moderate itself properly then absolutely ban it.

  7. I laugh how much some Americans are dumped while it comes to their own security. Really?? Tik Tok is the only way to express yourself??? Where do you live?? Your security is more worthed than your feeling. Stop being stupid

  8. When you had an idiot kids, Slap on their face till they wake up for their stupid mind! That was my Mom used to did to me when I say some stupid things and I’m smart enough for now

  9. Microsoft most probably will buy the America portion of it. Not like it going to be banned forever. These people need to calm down you can live without for a short time.

  10. I try so hard to understand that but, i can't.Why the US is never happy when other nations did something good? Always security concerns for others so,what about you?

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