How To Make $273.97 PER Day With Chat GPT (OpenAI Tutorial)

This is how you can use OpenAI Chat GPT to make $100,000 a year. Good luck!
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  1. Hey Ya'll! Thanks so much for the support on these videos. Would mean the world to me if you subscribed, so close to 300k! Much appreciated, and more content to come. Let me know what you want to learn about with A.I

  2. Why do I get the idea that this $270 a day is not going to be anything you’d expect?

    Yup. It’s basically just saying to use GPT descriptions for selling junk on your already established companies. Or to give you names to build your companies website…? Or something…?

    Don’t get how the AI makes you money. This is like saying “USE EXCEL TO MAKE 1 MILLION A YEAR!” And someone shows you how to use spread sheets to do your inventory on lol.

    Why can’t people just be real with titles….? Nothing is wrong with “USE GPT TO SIMPLIFY YOUR BUSINESS”…. But I suppose that doesn’t imply free money so… I get it. Still… this is why no one approves of these types of videos.

  3. Question, why would anyone pay someone else for these services if they could do it themselves using ChatGPT. It’s not like your the only one that has access to this technology.

  4. What a shit show , the fact that average people do not realize that they are being played by money grubbing sociopaths who will do literally anything to put a wedge or two in your pockets for easy access to your money is beyond sad and frustrating. Surely this chatgpt will make people money , but if you are going to click on a video to learn how to do it you are already way too far behind and should modify your thinking 🤔 instead of looking to people on YouTube to learn from maybe you should find a source to learn more and grow skills that doesn't include someone else who is literally pulling out all the stops to separate you from your money . I don't know , but I'm going to venture a guess and say that the people who run ultra successful companies on line aren't going on YouTube telling anyone else how to do it 😂 just think about it logically for a moment and find a better way because I promise this isn't it. People who make millions of dollars but selling things on line are too busy to make YouTube videos explaining how they do it , if however they actually make the bulk of their income from YouTube and other social media accounts by selling hope then of course you will find them here.

  5. Do you know what to guess it’s worth a shot now that things are changing in the world and with the possible potential I see hidden steal Dee within the house exponential capabilities, here’s my comment if I don’t get $100 so be it but if you can get an actual individual capable of making that connection and removing that fear of lack of understanding and I will be happy

  6. hire someone overseas. way to encourage boosting our economy you pos. you are part of the problem why we keep outsourcing our work somewhere else to be sloppy.

  7. If you were a millionaire I’m not sure you’d be creating guides on YouTube and I would think you’d have a studio. Not filming in a bedroom.

  8. Lost my interest half way into the segment. Can't think of nothing off the top of my head but I'm sure that there are better gigs to use chatGTP with. Laterzzzz

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