BfA最佳課程排名以及為什麼在8.3版中如此? M +會變得更有毒嗎?魔獸世界8.2.5


我還研究了m +隨著比例變化可能變得更具毒性。讓我們談談玩元課程意味著什麼?


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M +和Raid排行榜:


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  1. Honestly, I'm a dick when inviting to M+. It's an issue of certain classes/specs requiring much more skill/experience to perform compared to others…making them "unsafe" choices when you're PUG'ing. It helps that I tank and usually group w/ Healer friends so we can cherry-pick dps.

    – I always prefer RDPS. Why hope that you're pug'ing a mechanically skilled MDPS when you can be much safer bringing any RDPS instead.
    – For the 1-2 MDPS (usually 1) it's only Rouges, DHs, sometimes UHDK. The rest of the classes just feel like "Why bother when a safer option will que soon"
    – I generally dodge shadow priests. When it comes to M+, I've never had luck with PUG spriests performing in BFA. Pretty much the only RDPS I avoid and I'm not proud of it.

    I'm sure in my travels I've passed-up on MDPS who would outperform the RDPS I took in their place…but it's always a dice roll when you pug and we're just trying to give ourselves the best chance for a smooth run.

  2. so sounds like he is saying every class is still good…. he says Druids were really good but are getting a huge berf but are still really good so you can also play priest or pally or shaman healer, monks are ok too. so his tip is to play any class?

  3. Add fuel to the fire! Make a video that's "Which class is most toxic??? Watch to find out!" I'd watch it at least 10 times on various days to see the comments.

  4. I think it's time DH was knocked down a peg or "tree." To be a top AoE class for mythic+ and also top 5 in current raid is insane. Blizz has to be aware of that. The new car smell is off them now, so this might be the tier they see some reality.

    Also and in general being the top DPS spec at the beginning of new content is very bad. They tend to get nerfed and often so hard that they won't recover, particularly if they're top DPS by a good margin.

    Same goes with the bottom tier classes at the beginning of new content. Typically they are boosted and will be well served for a while at least. This means frost mage will likely be a very good all-around ranged spec and they are always good for mythic+ content.

    Last but not least what needs to be considered is the type of fights in the next raid content. I am hearing it favors cleave classes. So Blizz has its work cut out for it in balancing the DPS classes as that will heavily skew the numbers. Enjoyable vid as always cheers.

  5. lul meta. I've been playing a druid for 15 years and i will continue playing a druid till the day they shut down the servers.

  6. if you only clear 10's, guess can play whatever the fuck you want. if you only clear heroic raid…you can play whatever you want. stop prentending you min max, too many of you do that garbage and act like it but your numbers and knowledge never reflect this. Save yourself a headache.

  7. I'm a top WW on my server, which isn't saying a lot but I don't look at io scores when recruiting for higher keys. Sure it can create a group doomed to fail, but IMO io scores has ruined the game and added to the toxicity. I hate getting people who are so holier than thou.

  8. Having priest running as 2 healing spec's it's really dumb why the others have only 1 and as far as holy it always gets left behind for some reason discipline always comes on top even for arena's they might as well remove holy and maybe run 2 dps talent tree like the rogue. Either keep disc or holy.

  9. Even as a 2K rogue ( no fotm reroll, just mained it since TBC ), I got declined a lot and had to grind a lot of hours just waiting and creating groups. Like A LOT of time. This is with pure pugging. So even as the best melee, alongside DH ofc, I still had to endure a lot of grinding for pure pugging. I imagine it's hell for non meta like WArlock, enhancement ( I love that spec ).

  10. Happy to hear Fury Warrior is rising. 444Ilv and rank 3 essences means i will be getting auto invited in the start of next patch, wouldn't happen if i started a fresh 120.

  11. Honestly a few years ago I stepped down from core raider to casual player. As such I don』t worry about mythic the reasons are simple. Time and I don』t get paid to play this game. Frankly Blizzard and the raiders need to start looking at that since more and more players are to that point. If the company and the upper player base don』t start to adapt to that the game will be in for some rough times again

  12. Don't have problems with getting invites. I play all tanks except for monk and in the range i play (16 keys max) it does not make a difference at all. I get instant invites and even on my offspecs … Most of the time I play with my guild though.

  13. let me give some perspective from someone who some would see as "toxic".

    im one of the people will decline you from a sub 15 key if you arent playing a meta class. the reason is because when pugging, i assume people are idiots. meta or not. so i only invite meta classes so that the class can compensate for how bad lfg players are. i dont want to waste hours forming a group just have some ragnaros feral druid do 17k dps and die to every mechanic possible. i know all of you can relate to that.

    i feel like wow players who would call me "toxic" for that have some weird entitlement issue. just because we are running an easy +10 key doesnt mean i owe you an invite. if i dont know you, im not doing you any favors. im running my key because i need it, and the people who join my lfg are doing it because they need it too. not to do me a favor.

    i play warlock. i dont get invited to groups. i get it. i dont get mad. i just push my own keys. i actually dont think ive ever been invited to someone elses key higher than like an 11.

  14. I wonder if there is a case to be made, where the point exactly is where it stops being classes and starts being the design of m+, that's problematic? Not only is it constantly fluid in challenge, but it also has a timer and competition in the game attached to it. It goes beyond that mythic raids do that way, which already has competition. I think a lot of players might enjoy a balance between what m+ is, and what hard heroics used to be, but this is not at all something that exists in the game right now- for dungeon content, there is levelling dungeons, weekly cache run, and the key pushing.
    If you could preserve the constant fluidity but abandon the rest, I think there would be an alternative that helps keep diversity alive. Right now the loud voices are where no diversity is allowed – and absolutely not meaning to offend, it's just what the design (gearing, general m/m+ philosophy) situation fosters.

  15. I'm a content casual player because I love my alts so much but I am looking for at least two mains to carry me through 8.3, one for my alliance friends and one for my horde friends. When 8.3 rolls around and Vulpera unlock I want to play a class that's not going to stuggle to do the desired DPS groups will be demanding. So far I've narrowed my selections to Mage (fire/frost), Warrior (Fury) and Death Knight (Frost/Unholy) though I'm always open to different ideas. I've only ever touched a few mythics but I'd like to get into them since I'm just hopeless at PvP. I do have a ret/prot pally for my horde but I've not tanked any dungeons yet as I tend to panic if I don't know where to go or what to expect. I may pass on prot tanking till shadowlands as the last time I tried tanking groups were SUPER hostile even when I said I was new.

  16. I really enjoy playing pally in the mud and in the glory, nothing can outshine my heals my tanking my DPS or my bubbles, "the dumber the group the brightest your LOH/bubbles will shine" – page 83 Uther the Lightbringer.

  17. In my case, I like all the classes but warlock and I enjoy playing all of them, so picking a meta class is the easies way to select what class I should play.
    In my experiencie, you can do all keys under +20 with whichever class; in this way, if you play keys, for example, from +10 to +15 or +18 and you have problems to do it, you should focus on improve your perfomance (mechanics, rotations, use of CDs, etc.). But, if you are… idk, 2600 IO and you have most keys above 20 it is really probable that not having a meta class is impacting in a negative way the performance of your party (maybe the death skip cost you the 30 seconds to finish the dungeon on time and you need the shroud, you don't have the rediculous self healing of the tank monk and that doesn't allow your healer do damage, etc.)

  18. Great Video, good information. But I have to say, because of such videos many people, who start the game or restart will go away. Its boring. And repetitiv. But thumps up.

  19. The point between meta and non meta specs is that you will see much more bad players with meta specs. How many awfull dh with insane gear level you see in PU raid you don t see above 35k dps..
    On the other hand, enh sham and feral druid players have to try hard to be allowed to play their specs, and are performing very well when you're fighting besides.
    Be proud to play non meta specs

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