
在本周的周日閉幕式上,NBC的哈里·史密斯(Harry Smith)思考了冠狀病毒如何改變了全世界這麼多人的生活,以及這是一個團結,聆聽科學家和洗手的時候。



#冠狀病毒#HarrySmith #SundayTODAY


  1. It's fun to ignore mandated isolation and walk around town. Where I live is a ghost town as well. Ultimately the only real dangerous thing I'm seeing is people's behavior.

  2. Im only curious how the school and university are canceled but there are people here in Serbia still working everyday like theres nothing going on and dont have gloves , working with money in enormous places filled with people, so how is it ever going to stop spreading ???

  3. "Science people" — Seriously. Wow. Could that have been said any more condescendingly or patronizingly? Yeah, I listen to "science people." I'm informed. But I don't like the way that was said. Yuck. And I thought the whole thing was creepy. …"What about that person handing you the menu?" — Yikes. I won't be checking back in to hear from Harry Smith, for either "science" info or any other kind.

  4. There is not one time where the terrorist fake news media tells the truth especially not when hyping any incident. The terror presses are dog whistling idiots to believe fairy tales.

  5. In Italy Is forbidden hugging, kissing all kind of greetings, for the sake of all us, coronavirus Is highly contagious so we must stay away from each other as Much as we can, most importantly wash your hand as Much as you can

  6. This is not an ERA… "a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic".
    This is just YOU morons finally realizing that YOU are not the center of the world and should actually take some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY or your safety and health. You know HAND WASHING, COVERING COUGHS, STAYING HOME WHEN SICK… all the things you should be doing already.
    And NOW you realize that those crazy people that can actually take care of THEMSELVES arent crazy huh?

    Look at this psycho with a supply of toilet paper… oh wait… YOU are using WHAT on your butt? Well, it's not … MY … CRAZY TOILET PAPER! Enjoy your PICTURES of EMPTY SHELVES on the TWITER you unprepared fools!

  7. With this coronavirus gone crazy and gone pandemonium I wash my hands every day like a couple hundred times before I touch anything before I eat with my hands I hate being sick I』m OCD

  8. I am an Aussie and looking at these comments mainly from America is so scary, why. Just read the comments, that's what is scary. Such imature, silly comments. Been waiting to see how long the american goverment took to take this seriously. Week and a half ago the man in charge was saying and I quote" The warmer weather will come out and a miracles will happen and it will all go away, no need to worry " WOW Talk a out denial also the discussion on the cost of testing, no other country charges its people for testing. So guys please take it seriously, bodies are piling up in Italy. It is not a conspiracy against your goverment or a destraction from your election. Testing is woefully short for such a supposedly rich powerfull country. I pray you are not going to suffer more than is predicted due to the slow action taken by those in charge. This is not an attack but a grave concern, for you all American's out there, failed to be proative over this outbreak now no option but to be reactive.This virus knows no clour, no race, no country. Please look at the comments on this post they say it all.

  9. Last Friday, Chinese billionaire and Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma announced he will donate 2 million masks to be distributed across Europe, with the first shipments arriving in Belgium. The billionaire also joined Twitter and used his first tweet to announce donations to the US, which will receive a shipment of 500,000 testing kits and 1 million masks. With Covid-19 infections across Europe reaching tens of thousands, Chinese tech companies are now donating face masks to other countries.
    The latest company to join the effort is smartphone maker Oppo, which sent 300,000 masks to Italy, Spain, Germany, France and Japan. A third will be sent to Milan, the Italian city that』s been hit hard by the deadly disease. Oppo competitor Xiaomi also donated FFP3 masks (a rating similar to N95) to the Italian Civil Protection Department. Italy now has more than 24,000 Covid-19 cases.

  10. Wake up people…we are in a modern World War against an invisible enemy…when billions die over time because 70% of the global population is affected…how will history will be written about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD ..there are battlefields that simply ignored the warning..others took it seriously and were criticized..yet more were more worried for loss of money …while the media whipped up the news..of apocalypse…ITS ONLY TEMPORARY FOR MAYBE THREE MONTHS…HAVE HUMANS BECOME TRULY LAZY TO ACT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMMON GOOD…? Perhaps? It』s become the ME ME ME for so long…..this brief respite I hope will ground us all together ….

  11. In 2009 the media, including your commentator here Harry Smith, was in lock step with the Obama administration when they said nothing as 12,000 Americans died from the swine flu pandemic. Even after Harry Smith contracted it he said little. The media was too busy being friends of the administration instead of being journalists and it cost alot of lives. After 6 months they still didn't have enough test kits. Not a word from the media as 59 million Americans contracted the virus due to zero quarantines or restrictions and 265,000 hospitalized. During all of that the media actually spent more time hyping the Oscars that year than they spent mentioning the swine flu. Not one store shelf ran out of anything as 12,000 Americans just quietly died. There were families who tried to sue Obama for negligence. No one remembers that because the media stuffed all negative stories for years including some other truly HORRIFIC things that you should know but you don't. We're at 50+ deaths over 3 months now. Nothing warrants the media hysteria. They're acting the way they should have acted when the first 6,000 people died but Obama got held to a much lower standard. It's called the bigotry of low expectations. Normally it doesn't matter but the media's job is to sound the alarm IF the govt isn't doing it. They put the President's legacy and appearances ahead of the American public and it actually cost thousands of lives.

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