BfA 8.3 * NEW *等級增益|最佳DPS和治療師類別排名-Ny&alotha Raid Meta Balance |魔獸世界8.3


  1. Resto druid still has tranq, lots of healing on the move, barkskin, entangling roots or typhoon, innervate, access to a brez, and more. If they were to have better throughput than holy, who only has throughput, then holy would just be deleted from all mythic content. Holy should always heal the most, because it does dick all elsewise. Hell, they can't even dispel multiple types of ailments, just disease. It's actually fucked how little holy can do, other than "push button, make shiny, fill bar"

  2. Nice video! I was wondering on your output: I used to play MW monk before Nyalotha, I wanted to go Rruid or Rsham as I dont like the dps healing playstyle of Hpally and Disc priest. I will probably finish by doing mythics and a raiding but probably more axed on mythics rather than raiding. So I was gonna boost either. What do you think?

  3. i love doing damage as a healer and i think passive damage as a healer has made me a lot more likely to play a healer instead of dps, dont take that away. i think druid might just have to live with being bad in raids but the king in mythic+. buffing druid healing would just push the problem on to holy priest which imo is a spec that should always be somewhat viable so theres always a classic straight forward healer for those who want the play style. resto druid might need to find a new niche to fill, maybe innervate buffs, or something along those lines. something thats unique to them. really when looking at healers you see raid wide damage reduction and damage from holy paladin. you see the same from disc. you see wind rush and spirit link totem from shaman. druid doesnt really have a big utility thing that cant just be done by balance druid.

  4. Why be a healer to be DPSing? Don』t think they should be DPSing, I miss the days of disc priests being about shields.

  5. How come you make these videos before actually it being out based on how you title it. Sounds like you market grab people based on all my searches for wow brilliant marketing gimmick but not very good info in my opinion. You do all the searching online I do on my own, which 99% of wow players do

  6. Am I missing something about the lore of holy paladins? Have they not always been able to dps? They literally wield big ass hammers and swords and shit..why all of a sudden everyone wants to gut their class fantasy..」they should just make all healers have no more damage.」 So much gripe over an azerite talent that will be gone next xpac lol. Like boo hoo let em have their day it』ll be someone else』s another time and then back to fucking square one. Besides glimmer they』ve always had their toolkit now all of a sudden y』all wanna gut holy paladins over an Azerite trait that』s xpac specific at the end of the damn xpac lol y』all wild and most of y』all are filthy casuals anyways. It』ll probably be a different story next xpac anyways. Druids complaining as healers is funny y』all sure didn』t complain when y』all dominated m+ since m+ was a thing. As if druids have been bad healers since vanilla or something haha.

  7. 5% buff to damage overall, well thats just a joke, as a demonology warlock in 430 gear, then the dps is anything from 15k-18k, considering the gear, then its utter shit and should be getting a 15-20% buff for them to be comparable to ther other specs.. in general it needs improvement. 5% is just symbolic, it changes nothing.

  8. I wonder with the reduction to mana cost of rejuv, will double rejuv build be a thing for stacked fights + SB.  Any step in the right direction for resto druids is a good one, especially when it comes to mana; I for one think twice before repositioning my healing circle due to its cost in raids.

  9. All 3 Rogue speccs down there? Thats new 🙂 Usually always 1 Rogue specc is in the Top 5 or something. I hope they will rework Sub Rogue in Shadowlands, its been dead since the Uldir nerf, and they were only very good at one fight there, anyway :-/

  10. Lol, every dps and heal spec are supposed to put up the EXACT same numbers. Shit is so dumb. Every class performs better or worse in different situations,every class had strengths and weaknesses. If you don't like the class don't play it, simple…….

  11. The most serious balancing problem is never between classes. Blizz always makes some classes with simple rotations unacceptably strong, like BM Hunter now and Outlaw Rogue in M+. Most people can accept if a Shadow Priest or Holy Paladin dominates the game while a Holy Priest sucks, but is really frustrating to find someone surpasses you only because their play style is simple and strong.

  12. Resto shaman 1mm above Resto Druid and 99% of complaints are about how druids are lacking, despite the same being true for Resto Shaman too. Being 2nd bottom healer for both M+ and Raiding, atleast Druids excel somewhere….
    Should also note Shamans have been in this position since Legion also….

  13. İ wanna play warrior for mythc PLUS what you think? And sometimes Raid maybe.. But dont know fury or arms spec is good for this help pls

  14. MadSkillzz you spend a lot of time discussing how resto druids are lacking in raid healing but they are DOMINATING clearly in Mythic plus. I am wondering if you are going to do a follow up where you are just as passionate about the need to buff holy priests in Mythic plus since they are clearly the least played there.

  15. Survival never gets looked at 🙁 as a holy pally, I love the concept of dps and healing. Makes them unique. Every healing class provides something useful.

  16. The worst thing is the fact that you can no longer get your best gear by farming a lot of m+. So all specs/classes that are bad for mythic progression will be behind on gear and there is no way to catch up when you are not invited to raids…

  17. They don't and can't balance they are basically different games PVP, Raiding and Mythic+. To many variables, they may get close scaling ability's on keys of the class. They also don't really care for the very top players just the average overall. Loads of class's have been dog the entire expansion or been overpowered just look at guardian druids, disc priests, brewmaster monks, rogues.

  18. screw that meta bring back niches i hated resto druids really but a holypala does everything better then they every did …its to op also nerf healer dps to the ground …dpsing should be a choice as ahealer not a fire nd forget thing while healing in the same time also give everyhealer a dmg reduce healing cooldown so no one is left behind while giving everyhealer his own niche where he brings the best results..
    imagine giving monk something like a zen mode channel for 10 sec while taking 90% lesser dmg to redirect 20% of every dmg taken from raid or party to you. Could be like the old zen meditation somehow.

  19. Hey I am a resto druid main, currently progressing mythic carapace. The current healer balance just makes me sad, like you said there is literally no reason to bring druid to any fight when we have pally and disc dominating for so long now. the only things druid can provide that others can't are Ironbark, 20% for 12sec on a 1min cd is actually really strong, and quite strong raid healing every 1.5min with the tranq build and even that a disc priest can just do too while having an insane dmg reduction cd with barrier and dealing absurd dps passively. Yeah, as I said makes me sad to think blizzard seems to be unable to balance raid healing at all for the whole expansion.

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