
演員:拉爾夫·費恩斯(Ralph Fiennes),安吉拉·巴塞特(Angela Bassett),朱麗葉·劉易斯(Juliette Lewis)#MoviePredictor #trailer #BestMovie。

  1. I remember seeing the commercials for this movie every day back in Spring 95. That music always stuck in my head, and I thought the film looked kind of cool and intriguing. I regret never watching it on the Sci-Fi channel later on.

  2. Other than me there were only 5 people in the theater in 95 I swear to God. And in 2019 I still pop the DVD and dream. What a film it is. Far beyond its time.

  3. I've seen this film back then vhs tape–rented it. I liked it a lot! Got my surprised that it was directed by an unknown female director named kathryn bigelow. And I said I wanna watch more of her films!! And have to wait for long years before she was able to make another.

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