如何加快Mozilla Firefox Web瀏覽器2020-Firefox加快2020

嗨,大家好!本教程將向您展示如何加快mozilla firefox瀏覽器2020的速度!聽我的播客:蘋果:…。

  1. i used a lot of browsers such as Firefox , chrome , opera , all browsers in pc
    so about Firefox he is smooth but so slow and for chrome he is fast but take a lot of ram and opera too but for edge he is very fast browser and take less ram check it

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  3. Hello friend, I like your video even if I change to Brave it is faster, it has more privacy and eliminates all that annoying advertising, besides being the only browser that pays to use it and for having a referral, I have more detailed information on my channel by my channel

  4. Two other options for speeding up Firefox folks that weren't mentioned here. Go to about:memory and click on the tab where it says "Minimize memory usage". Secondly and this one is HUGE in terms of performance. Click on about:support this is another way to take you to the refresh Firefox option tab that was mentioned here in this video. Anyway once your on this page scroll down until you see the words "Places Database" in black bold writing. Right underneath their you will see the words Integrity in a blue block and next to that is the button you want. Which will be the words "Verify Integrity" left click your mouse on those two words and it will run a process cleaning up any old stored integrity files etc…Then press Control, Alt, Delete at the same time. This will end your current tabs and other processes and it will essentially restart Firefox for you. I also recommend clicking the options tab and in the "General Section" and "Startup" make sure the box "Restore Previous Section" is ticked. By having this box clicked your previous tabs that were closed will automatically re-open right where you left off. And you won't have to go into your history to tediously search for them to bring them back up again. These further tweaks as well as the others mentioned in this video will help you out TREMENDOUSLY with a smoother and faster running browser…!!! I personally recommended performing these tweaks once a month or every other at the latest. Hope these additional tweaks have helped folks out. In closing, I take NO credit for these tweaks as i found them through a "generic search" right here on YouTube. That quite honestly anyone else could have found themselves with a little persistence. I am simply taking the "leg work" out of searching for these tweaks for all of you to take advantage of…!!! MUCH THANKS to the individuals who helped me be able to help others. In making their machines run more efficiently and effectively.

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