如何在Windows 10上加快任何Internet連接的速度(真的很容易)

該視頻向您展示了如何在不使用任何軟體的Windows 10上免費增強互聯網連接。您也可以在Windows 7,Windows 8.1上使用此方法。而且此方法也適合任何Internet服務提供商或任何Internet來源(設備)





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▼與Cortana的樂趣| Windows 10:



請注意:「如何加快Windows 10性能(最佳優化設置)」


  1. didn't really do much. went from 92 mbps to 94 mbps on a 1 1/2 yr old laptop I7 8th gen Dell that should be getting 700 mbps download 900 up. nope 94 down 50 up. Don't have any idea why 🙁 She did have some malware installed and I've removed those but I suspect one of the driver update programs (malware) installed may have messed up her network adapter

  2. Well, thanks for your time and I love your sense of humor. Even writing everything down, I was so lost by the time I got to DNS server selection, I just gave up. "Its Geek to me".

  3. this helped sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. thanks, it got boosted up from 700bps to 2.50mb, thanks. imma play csgo boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.????

  4. His English is so bad you cant hardly understand him and he goes so fast, on my phone i could hardly follow what he was doing. Find someone how knows how to make a decent video.

  5. What changing the DNS has anything to do with speed? and BTW the 'gpedit.msc' command only works in the Pro edition and it's not working for the Home edition of Windows. You have to install the group policy manually so 'gpedit.msc' command works. Thanks.

  6. If you enable this setting, you can limit the number of outstanding packets.
    If you disable this setting or do not configure it, then the setting has no effect on the system.
    Important: If the maximum number of outstanding packets is specified in the registry for a particular network adapter, this setting is ignored when configuring that network adapter. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsPsched

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