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  1. So I just want to point out that the image shows a Specters head, one of the autonomous combat units in Titanfall. But im not sure why because Specters and Simulacrums are entirely different things so maybe it dosent mean anything. Or perhaps its before they designed the Simulacrums there own bodies and they just tried to use Specters, it does say that they should "retain organic storage". Cool Titanfall Lore but not really sure how this plays into Season 5.

  2. The reason its confusing that they're teasing info about revenant is because they're not. The similacrum they're talking about isn't him. They're bringing Forge back and will use him as a weapon to stop revenant.

  3. I』m pretty sure revenant was pretty scary before but what ev. Also if he thinks he』s human then how do you explain him climbing walls? Know what I』m getting at.

  4. i think they should revamp Revenant using loba storyline because even though he had a buff he still fails to be something fans wanted, make his climb higher for example so that he could actually be the assassin he was promised to be, make his totem indestructable and unusable by enemy squads. if it's possible scrap that whole totem idea just let Revenant go into his shadow ability for a minute or so like a flip of a switch as his ult[AS THEY SHOWED IN THE TRAILER] and let there be a medium sized radius around the shadow mode Revenant, which will give his teammates shadow mode ability if they stay inside the radius[this would encourage players to play as a team], if the shadow protection is destroyed they just come out of it continuously shooting with 50 health and whatever sheild they were on. This would make Revenant more team supporting and aggressive, players will opt him more and we would have more variety in competitive play as Wattson, wraith, pathfinder[my main] and Gibby won't be the only one getting chosen hence giving the players kind of a new skill content set to explore in itself. Make him fortified [5-7% less damage] what he doesn't have in width he has in height and his upper body is so shoot prone that i love to see a revenant around. One more problem with his ult is that when engaging in a fight u have to disengage for some time to find a spot for the totem to be not shot at or used by an enemy squad, this makes his whole aggressive persona dull and takes away what a total badass this character can be, even before engaging u have to put it in a place safe and that safe place for me was always a little too limiting even tho they increased the area, and pinging death totem to your team mates would require them to disengage giving time to the already dominating 3vs2 enemies to regenerate[its almost like we have the death totem advantage rather than revenant team haha]. PLEASE LIKE AND COMMENT IF U AGREE OR WANT SOMETHING ELSE TO BE IMPROVED. Quick lore getaway they can use…revenant's source code changes somehow when loba messes with it and these abilities come to light.

  5. Bro I feel bad for revenant. Every time he looks In the mirror he sees himself as human, but he knows it』s just a bug 🙁

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