GODZILLA VS KONG Final Trailer(NEW 2021)Monster Movie HD

哥斯拉大戰金剛的最終預告片在Instagram上關注我們:https://www.instagram.com/filmspot_official在Twitter上關注我們:https://twitter.com/film_spot_長期以來,人類似乎消滅了這兩種生物,並一勞永逸地奪回了地球。 #預告片#godzillavskong #filmspot。

  1. Trailer : Kong and Godzilla r destroying buildings, cars, ships and fighting
    Movie climax: so there』s a bigger dude wanna be friends ? Ok ? see ya in the next movie

  2. Plot Twist Theories:
    1. GodZilla attacking the entire city cause Orca do something suspicous making a new Kaiju (MechaGodzilla), KingKong think GodZilla attacking humans so KingKong thinks GodZilla is the enemy of all human kind, but After defeating KingKong GodZilla didnt kill him, then suddenly Orca releasing the Mecha Godzilla and GodZilla endup teaming with King Kong to defeat MechaGodzilla.

    2. King Kong will find the history of their ancestors in Hollow Earth and get superior weapon to defeat GodZilla but still lose against GodZilla suddenly MechaGodzilla coming in and rescue him

    All of this just a theories not spoiler

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