The Trojan War Was Real?! | Debunking TikTok Ancient History Hot Takes

0:00 Introduction
2:33 did the Trojan War Happen?
3:14 Ilion/Wilusa
4:35 Who were the Hittites?
5:45 Conflict over Wilusa
7:25 Where does Homer’s Iliad fit in?
9:27 Relationship Between Wilusa and the Hittites
11:08 What happened to Wilusa?
11:43 Why did Homer Write about the “Trojan War”?

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Easton, D. F., et al. 「Troy in Recent Perspective.」 Anatolian Studies, vol. 52, British Institute at Ankara, 2002, pp. 75–109,
​​SHERRATT, SUSAN. 「THE TROJAN WAR: HISTORY OR BRICOLAGE?」 Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, vol. 53, no. 2, Wiley, 2010, pp. 1–18,
Hittite records:
Kiwi Hellenist:
Read the treaty here:
Colourfulmap credit
Alexikoua, – Own work, data taken from: History Year by Year, Dorling Kindersley Ltd, 2011, pages: 32-33, ISBN 1405391057, 9781405391054. Topography taken from DEMIS Mapserver, which are public domain, other wise self-made.

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    This video was produced by a random student on the internet who loves reading, especially about ancient history and classics. The purpose of my videos is to make classics and ancient history interesting and accessible to everyone. It is important to highlight that I am not a professional or qualified educator, 「expert」, historian or classicist. However, I ensure that all the information I use in my video scripts has been collated from numerous credible sources, which I will link in the description box if accessible online. I always work my hardest to deliver thoroughly researched and reliable information in my videos, but please always conduct additional, independent research to formulate a thorough understanding of any topic discussed. Additionally, I am dyslexic, and I will mispronounce words throughout this video, sometimes without realising it. This is not ill-intended or stemming from willful ignorance, and I do make the effort to research how to pronounce words before I start filming, but I often misread my phonetic spelling. In light of this, please do not rely on my video for an authoritative or reliable source of how to pronounce certain words.

  2. Wow! Amazing video! This is the first video of yours that I watched (so apologies if you『ve already done that) but when you mentioned further „topics「 for debunking, the most obvious one I could think of right after the Trojan war was the controversies and theories around „Homer「 and the idea of a single writer of Odyssee and Illiad.

  3. huge problem with your theory "Archaeologists in Greece believe they have found the lost city of Tenea," that city was the slave city the trojan slaves were force to build.

  4. History deniers are like flat-earthers. They just want attention. They love having people present them with mounds of evidence just so they can cross their arms and say "Nuh-uh!"

  5. So what you』re saying is that the conflict between Greece and Turkey goes back all the way to Greek』s mythic past?

  6. TikTok is a breeding ground for both ignorance and mental illness. That's exactly what the CCP wants is to dumb down the rest of the world and it's working.

  7. For some reason I learned about the Trojan war at youth group? Idk how that makes sense, I was in a cult tho. But I just figured it was 「real」 in the same way bible stories are

  8. When I was first told anything about Trojan war I was only told about the horse 2 places were at war one used a horse to sneak into Troy. I found out about the ancient city being thought to be found. I didn't know about Achilles Paris hellen or the rest had anything to do with each other until I got into greek mythology and read about it myself

  9. LAHT Lost Ancient High Technology This is the proposal by Graham Hancock that prior to 9,600 bce there was a global civilization on par with 19th century England and that a comet hit the earth and wiped them out. The "primitive" cultures at the time survive, just how he won't elaborate.
    Scientist are debunking from the scientific community but the basics of his historical deserve a sound debunking. Your Atlantis debunking is great. And a good place with Graham and his ilk.

  10. You don't seem to understand that most americans know nothing of history. We were taught by our parents that Hollywood is a factual history book. Still haven't found the Dewey number for it, but i'll keep looking.

  11. Most archeologists, historians and scholars agree it was real. it』s incredibly important that we realize that there is always truth in legends and myths; no matter how small the truth is, it is always there and we just have to find it. that's the entire point. If Greeks said it happened, it happened. Recorded history started with Greeks.

  12. I thought this was the video about that one DojenTickTalker who thought Rome wasn't real because they used Greek architecture. It's about the weirdest thing I've ever heard. Everyone knows that Greece wasn't real. They were Minoans! hahahahaa

  13. I always thought it was real and that Homer just wrote a story in the setting sorta like how the AC games take place during real events but are obviously fiction.

  14. Not a tik tok as far as I know, but the YouTube channel praveen mohan runs the most ludicrous conspiracy theories about ancient India. I』m talking about nuclear reactors, solar panels, etc.

  15. Did anyone during the period refer to the city as "Troy"? If not, where did the word Troy come from? Also, how do archeologists know it's not just a fortified city that was the site of a battle? Surely most fortified cities were attacked at some point, or fortifications would be a waste of precious resources.

  16. Thank you for this. I for one am very tired of people who some how think Homer was an Historian and try to find History in the Iliad. Among these Romancers I include Michael Wood's very annoying In Search of the Trojan War. I think one of these days you should review that bit of Academic porn.

    Searching for History in the Iliad makes about has much sense has looking for History in The Song of Roland.

  17. Any history takes on tik tok tend to be terrible. Young kids just fresh out of the terrible american education system the believe anything and anyone.

  18. Have you ever seen the "Ratanabá myth"? A few people from South America are genuinely believing that a multiple million years old ancient city was stabilised by aliens in the Amazon Forest (Brazilian part).

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