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joepie91的「不要使用VPN服務」 – https://gist.github.com/joepie91/5a9909939e6ce7d09e29


  1. I use VPNs for torrents, it is well worth it. I agree the claims are often overblown, but they are useful for me. I also use VPNs that I set up for my clients (using OpenVPN server/clients) so they can securely connect to their work networks remotely.

  2. I love how people in the EU or it』s member nations act like they don』t spy on people like the U.S. does. New flash, they all do – if anything the E.U and it』s member states are far less transparent about it then the U.S.

  3. Too bad the whole gitgist is debunked several times over the years and its totally biased. VPNs are used for a reason, if you are browsing youtube and facebook and you are some kid, no you don't need it, it's not vital. Otherwise you might find yourself in situation that you do need it, and if thats the case, no, you won't go to NordVPN or any other normie stuff out there.

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