#295基於Docker的Raspberry Pi伺服器,具有VPN,Dropbox備份,Influx,Grafana等。

如果您曾夢想過將Raspberry IOT伺服器備份到Dropbox並通過自己的VPN(來自所有基於Docker容器)從任何地方進行安全的遠程訪問,則必須觀看此視頻。

RPi 4的二手散熱器:http://bit.ly/2V4DYyd



對於Banggood https://bit.ly/2jAQEf4
對於Amazon UK:http://amzn.to/2mxBaJf



  1. Great video. Does it make sense to switch from an install script to this when you're only able to install some of the elements through docker and still have to manually install other elements (eg openvpn, chon entries)? Not a criticism, it's an honest question. It seems like there's a limited number of programs in Graham's setup (for now at least) so that it's not worth going over to docker just yet. It seems like it would be easier to manage in one install script vs docker AND an install script. Thoughts?

  2. Very informative. There is always so much to learn and you and those you mention do a great job of explaining. Thanks and 73. N7FF

  3. This is amazing! This will be my project this weekend…..I just went through your content and there are many interesting videos…Need to go through them! Subscribed!! And Thank you

  4. Ok this brings up a question. Seeing how raspberrypi's run of SD cards. Does that mean …. I can by a card and set up the pi as above. then insert a different card and set it up as a web server then when a new pi comes in the mail…. just slip in that card and it's up and running?

  5. I don't need the summary, I'd rather you spent YOUR time on things that more poroductive for ME! If I need to review ytour video, I go back and review the relevant parts. THANK YOU for your time!

  6. Love this IOTStack from gcgarner and this video going over it. Was wondering if there is a way to suggest adding the "djaydev/docker-glass-isc-dhcp" image/container to this stack so that we can allow devices to get IP from this host. I want to put the dhcp.leases and dhcpd.config under "home/pi/IOTstack/volumes/nodered/data/dhcpd" so I can use nodered to detect new devices and take some actions, like building new MQTT streams from them. I sort of hacking my way through as I am not a docker expert, so having this added to the project would be helpful and useful I think.

  7. About the summary: please keep it. In my opinion, it's one of the best parts of your videos, as it helps me remember the things you teach. They're especially helpful in longer videos. Thank you for being awesome, Andreas!

  8. So, to sum up. Let's make it easy and then make it difficult. All I need is a simple webserver with a connected hard drive and access to gpio via web. Does that exists?

  9. 15:52 Does renewing the ip every 5 minutes cause issues when trying to use services like Netflix on a TV? like for example maybe it pauses the video every 5 minutes when it renews the ip address or something.

  10. Thanks for the video, very informative. I have some observation regarding the connectivity from outside the network. Your video doesnt cover NAT or ISP firewall limitations, many users have shared IPs or other ISP or company enforced network reachability limitations (to connect from outside or abroad), in those cases dynamic DNS is not enough. I have found a reverse SSH tunnel to a VPS (acting as a middleman) can solve the issue.

  11. For a number of reasons this would be what I ever wanted.

    Great video!!

    But it didn』t work for me :O(

    Spend the whole day following the instructions, again and again.

    Somehow I cannot connect to Node RED.

    But I am a hopeless LINUX Idiot.

  12. I'll definitely check out piVPN. I'm planning to set up a raspberry pi for a few things and also start using my low power PC I built a year ago and having a VPN tunnel home like this would be very convenient should my discord bot crash while I'm not at home

  13. @Andreas – this video is really tops! To-the-point and very practical! A real time-saver and some complex software issues, explained in a very simple and practical way! Keep up the good work – I am a fan!

  14. I would add one more backup there. Image of SD card when everything is setup so you have single image to write on SD card and then simply add volume data from dropbox.

  15. Nothing ever, ever, ever goes like it's supposed to with these @#$# things. Never had one last more than a couple months before SD card becomes corrupted. Tried different cards, different power supplies, etc. Don't know why I keep beating my head against the wall. Arrrrrrrggggggh! Now this doesn't work. Shocking. Not. But thanks to those who tried. I should just bite the bullet and buy a real computer to be my server, but the thought of getting it done for $35 is too attractive.

  16. Any one know how to run EXEC know if node-red is in the docker? for example "reboot" it doesn't work for me anymore

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