
在此視頻中,我將介紹如何設置VPN並通過它進行連接。首先,我們在運行Ubuntu Server的遠程主機上設置VPN Server。然後,我們將Linux和Windows的客戶端計算機都連接到VPN Server。複製/粘貼命令的分步指南:https://www.christitus.com/openvpn-server/

Upcloud VPS-視頻贊助商:http://bit.ly/upcloud-ctt

1:43 VPN伺服器設置
8:12 Linux OpenVPN客戶端設置
18:06 Windows OpenVPN客戶端安裝



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  1. Chris, thanks so much for the great tutorials. I used this to get myself going with a VPN server of my own. I always enjoy your vids. Long live Linux!

  2. Hi Chris,

    Great video ! Successfully got it to work on my Ubuntu machine but wondering if it's possible to have it work on Mac ? I was able to install openvpn using Homebrew but having issues running it. Does the client.ovpn file that we obtained from the VM need to replace the client.ovpn file located in the /etc/openvpn folder ? Or am I not understanding something here ?

  3. I've watched a heap of these VPN videos. None of them show how to access local resources (e.g. Access a shared drive on a NAS/PC) where the VPN server is set up.
    I know it's possible (businesses do it) but it appears to be impossible for the DIYer.

    Do you know of any way to do it?

  4. @Chris Titus Tech Thanks for anther great video. I've been thinking about getting a VPN. Would streaming say netflix work with this setup? If not what would you recommend?

  5. Mate, why are you giving away this information online.
    You have given the IP address to the VPS which is currently still active with SSH.
    Also your public IP can be one of 10 options 8:58

    I hope you know what you're doing

  6. I setup a tor daemon on my raspberry pi for the whole lan, then I setup a auto proxy pac file with patterns that match certain sites, eg .onion sites and certain domain names that I prefer to go through with the onion network.

  7. Chris correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole purpose of having a VPN to provide a secure connection to your laptop when you're moving around over public networks?

  8. Chris, for your upcoming "Noob Monday's" videos. Along with Linux basics, can you please go over IT basics for the real world? Not how to build a PC, or Put Linux on a USB drive, but what benefit would having a home DNS Server be for the typical person? (Yes I know what a DNS server is). What benefit would a Proxy server be? Etc.

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