Opera for Android免費VPN保護您的移動隱私和安全


➡了解有關Android Opera瀏覽器的更多信息:https://opr.as/operaforandr


  1. the problem with every vpn is that you have to trust in this case Opera that they really don't log your activities and so they can't leak them to the NSA or other governmental organizations, because Opera has your true IP address. That's why TOR's security is based on NOT trusting anyone else. TOR ist open-source, everyone who uses TOR supports the network by transmitting data and ONLY if the NSA owns your entryguard AND your exit node (if you access the clearnet) then they could watch which site you are accessing, but still not the content. And running this on a live Linux distro makes you immune against any sort of malware; in case of Tails you even make DNS leaks impossible and you route all internet traffic through 3 TOR nodes. So you can't be tracked by a cookie that leaks your real IP when you turn off TOR because the cookie can act like a fingerprint so that a webpage sees that you already visited the page but with the other IP; in Tails you have a separate clearnet browser for logins at free WiFi and this is the only exeption.. A VPN is useful when you want to hide THAT you are using TOR.. so look at this:
    My PC <-> over the servers of your provider <-> VPN-Server <-> TOR entryguard <-> TOR node No. 2 <-> TOR exit node <-> server that hosts the clearnet site

    Thats (simplified) how it works. But the VPN could leak to the NSA that you used at some place at some time TOR. If you were the only user on the same network you screwed up. But therefore you can just leave no traces who the "you" in the last sentence is so that this information is useless. Leaving no traces by using Tails because all data is only saved in RAM and when shutting down unrecoverable destroyed 😉

  2. For Everyone Complaining About Opera VPN you need to open the tab in private mode. Also if you dont have version 51 download from apkmirror

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