如何安裝/使用Softether和VPN Gate(2019) Softether VPN網關未顯示已解決

本教程將向您展示如何輕鬆安裝和使用Softether和VPN Gate。

這也將解決您所有的問題,例如softether vpn gate不顯示或任何其他問題。
只需觀看完整視頻,並相應地配置您的softether vpn。
Softether VPN Gate未顯示已解決
如何使用Softether VPN
如何安裝和使用VPN Gate客戶端
Windows上的vpn Gate客戶端。

  1. Great Video however I would like to add one Important thing about the connection, I have seen this issue myself. Sometimes it will not connect especially when sites are located in several regions. However it is NOT a Softether issue it is a DNS Node error at a NOC.. The easiest way to tell is if it continues to fail on connect run a traceroute from the Server machine to the remote client and then from the client to the server. You will see exactly where the failure occurs. This is awesome software and extremely Stable..

  2. Sometimes ? Bro i get it everytimes i try to connect…something wrong with this bs….also why u don't link the original websites ? Scam !

  3. So I just recently wanted to setup Softether on another computer but it's been a LONG time since I've done it thus I can't remember what to do so I go here and…I don't have VPN Gate Connection.
    Just "Add VPN connection"

  4. Hey so every time i try to connect to anywhere my internet connection goes away, how can i connect without losing my internet connection?

  5. It's not working when there's a firewall blocking my connection. My college WiFi has a FortiNet Firewall blocking most of the third party sites and the VPN can't connect to any Servers. Could you help with that?

  6. Hi can you help me every time when I tried to create a virtual network adapter the program just freeze up and won't respond. I've use it before but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

  7. for those who are using multiple internet connections try to use only "one" connection by disabling it on network connection. idk the science behind it but it works for me. have a great day!

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