VPN vs Tor:使用哪個? | NordVPN




Tor,也稱為The Onion Router,是由志願者操作的伺服器的匿名網路,只能通過Tor瀏覽器進行訪問。








如果您在瀏覽Web時尋求最大的安全性和隱私性,則可能希望將Tor與可靠的VPN服務結合在一起。最簡單的方法是使用NordVPN的Onion over VPN功能。



  1. Lol NordVPN (the VPN service that just had the largest VPN security breach ever) or Tor?

    NordVPN… Because I like giving money away in hopes my information is leaked to criminals.

  2. Likely: Someone buys up the entire anonymous Tor network to get access to thousands of nodes to actually compromise the service.

    Not likely: The singular node that a VPN uses is compromised or subpoenaed

    Okay, makes sense.

    (For real, Tor is in a whole nother dimension, there's all types of illegal drugs, illegal guns, child porn, crazy stuff, that shit isn't on a VPN for good reason, the same security just isn't there. Don't lie an pretend it is. Tor is slow AF tho so you'd never use it for normal day-to-day browsing, so VPN has its time and place, there's just no need to lie to get your point across. Just tell the truth.)

  3. I』m pretty sure the government would have never made tor if a vpn was safer, because tor contains many illegal websites that they』d love to eliminate but can』t because they』d need to eliminate tor altogether

  4. Tor.. completely anonamous….

    Through .onion sites…. what people really use tor for…. have 6 different layers/nodes

    All sites go through atleast 3 nodes.. no traffic analysers or monitors

    Tor masks your ip comoletely since each node only reads the request from the last node… not the person who originally made the request… vpns cost money…. are suseptible to investigation and can still store data.. they do log the original requester and since they have operators monitoring servers are suseptuble to leaks

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