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  1. Trump is now agitating the world, our military isn't a global thug, carrying out hits so rich pricks stock prices rise. You said you didn't want regime change wars, now you're following the marching orders of the deep state. You will be single term if you don't start bringing jobs home and stop playing on screen soldier.

  2. Oh wait a minute we didn't want to go to war when Bush was in office we want to go to war when Obama was in office now all the sudden were asking the public and the military if we want to be in war when did that ever matter what the public thought

  3. Remember the world trade center attack, this is were all this started, please understand, I never like to hear a civilian casualties at all, I 100% believe Iran was behind the attack. Anywhere in the middle East needs to change. It be another 25 years of it. IRAN public dosent want a war for shore, it's the leaders are playing right in the hands of usa, back then hearing, nine months after, usa a is going to take out Iraq Syria Lebanon and then move onto Iran. Lebanon is going to be hit harder then ever before by Israeli government as usa be in fight with Iran in the next 9 months. Russian and the Chinese are playing the game so well too. My heart's go out to the world trade center victims truly devastating. The incidence, Iran leaders wake up, your playing right into the hands of the hard core of usa Policys because of the world trade center attack.

  4. Thats why WE AMERICA have a "REAL MAN PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP " Not some President that acts like a little girl.
    HOWEVER i am amazed at how we TOOK OUT AN IRANIAN GENERAL and others in a MINUTE !!!!!
    SURGICAL STRIKE iam in AWE and HUGE RESPECT for our MILITARY and great leader President Donald J Trump!!
    Balls of Steel!!!

  5. America First…Bahahaha. Trump you are such a loud mouth…We have no business in the Middle East…that's what you said…Bahahahah. Lets bring our brave solders home…Bahahahaha. You are just an Amateur Donald!!!!

  6. ????? ????????? ?? ???? ??????????? ?? ????????????? ????』? ???? ????????? ???????. ????? ???? ??? ????????????; ??? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ? ??? ??????????????? ??????????

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